Wednesday, 31 October 2018

November 2018 Specials

Happy Halloween! Happy Samhain and Happy Celtic New Year! Today’s the last day for October 2018 Specials — including “Boo, Gothca!” and the year-long Wheel of the Year Special — which you can find by clicking here. With All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Day and Veterans Day in November, it seems like a good time to focus on the soul’s challenges, gifts and goals. With changing weather and the approaching holiday season, it also feels wise to offer extra medical intuitive support. As always, I design each month’s specials based on needs I sense.


Ace in the Soul

When soul meets body at birth, soul leaves a record of its intentions, goals, wounds and gifts.

Your natal chart (also called your birth chart) reveals the hand you’re dealt. Or, rather: the hand you’ve dealt yourself. This month’s Ace in the Soul special helps you play those cards to the best of your ability. In this 40-minute astrology reading, we can cover basics like your Sun, Moon and Rising sign, but I really love figuring out what game your soul came here to play. Knowing your soul’s unique playbook gives you a much better chance of winning your game of life. I decode areas less covered by most astrologers. Together, we’ll explore your soul’s “rules,” vulnerabilities, and especially your hidden aces.

(This special can also provide valuable insight for parents looking to understand and support their young ones.)

You’ll get the most comprehensive reading if you know the exact birth time, date and place; however, I can still tell a lot from birth date and location. $122 for 40 minutes if prepaid on or before 11/30/18. (Save $55 off the usual astrology rate). Please contact me here to sign up.

40-Minute Medical Intuitive Special

Save 25% ($44) off the usual rate for a 40-Minute Medical Intuitive Reading.

Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind can understand and begin to address. It is not meant to replace traditional medical or psychological treatment, and it is not any form of medical or psychological treatment.

Instead, Medical Intuitive readings look for the root cause of continuing symptoms or conditions. Without addressing the root cause, even the “right” treatments or treatment providers fail to find a cure … or … a person continues to experience one new issue after another. By locating the root cause, a Medical Intuitive reading allows the individual to understand what the soul wants, so that healing can move through all the levels, including physical.

$133 (instead of the usual $177) for 40 minutes, if purchased on or before 11/30/18. Please contact me to sign up.


Monday, 29 October 2018

Traverse City Weekend Getaway

David and I took a well-earned mini-vacation this weekend, driving three hours north to Traverse City, Michigan. I’ve had Traverse City on my radar for awhile, because per capita it seems to have the largest number of Reiki Master Teachers in Michigan. This is anecdotal, but I consider clusters of RMT’s, vegan and gluten-free food options, metaphysical shops, and art galleries as kind of energetic signature that sparks my interest. We chose this weekend hoping to find peak fall colors, and wow, did we ever! The golds lit up the grey mist, as did friendly locals and cozy food.

I thought I’d share some photos and expriences here since I have a lot of vegan and/or gluten-free readers. Traveling can pose challenges for special diets unless you find yourself in a major city or along the East or West Coast. With all my (43) moves, I’m hard pressed to list another small location other than Sedona or Tahoe with this many vegan and gluten-free choices.

We first stopped in Oryana, a real community co-op that reminded me of the food co-op in Ashland, Oregon. You could tell this was much more than a store. It felt like a community gathering place, and Oryana Cafe is amazing! We got a fresh juice on Saturday, and yesterday I got an almond milk matcha latte. We split their Vegan Reuben and their Grilled Veggie sandwiches:


Those weren’t gluten-free, but they were 100% delicious. So delicious, in fact, that we got one quart each of gf-vegan curried cauliflower soup and lentil soup, along with some perfectly marinated beets. They also had a hot bar with many gluten-free and/or vegan items, plus four vegan hot soups, including an award winning chili. Next time we go to Traverse City, we’ll eat there for at least one meal a day. Even with all the other dining options, the freshness and quality of these ingredients just popped.

For dinner on Saturday, we ate at Red Mesa Grill, a Mexican restaurant that also caters to various dietary preferences and needs. Our waitress recommended we split the Wild Mushroom Fajitas, and even sharing our entree, we were stuffed. Their homemade salsa was the best I’ve had since leaving the Southwest, so good that I liked it even better than the guacamole. This never happens, LOL! I love guac. The salsa was just that good. We found our waitress so helpful in navigating what we could or couldn’t eat on the menu. She offered changes, omissions and personal feedback as a vegetarian herself. They have, on request, gluten-free tortillas, as well as three types of gluten-free beer. We didn’t get that, but they offer it.

We enjoyed talking with locals, like Sue Ann Round, owner of Michigan Artists Gallery. As we entered, we saw a huge painted door, which reminded David and me of my own painted portal doors. This hare, in turn, reminded me of Tania Marie:


This gallery features artists from all over Michigan, but it’s not just a local art gallery. Sue Ann is one high vibe woman! Synchronicities kept arising, and we found her as delightful as all the art.

I’m not going in chronological order, because Traverse City felt like we entered a time warp. We spent hours at Higher Shelf Bookstore and Horizon Books, getting holiday gifts for some friends.

We also found some new crystal friends for ourselves:


We took these home from Nawbin, which from the outside looks just like a bead and knick-knack shop. We had never seen such lively labradorite, and David’s piece on the left is almost nine inches tall! We usually find much smaller pieces or pendants. Nawbin’s selection was exceptional. Labradorite strengthens intuition, will power, goals, and connects the mental and emotional bodies. Plus, it just looks pretty — like water in the sunlight.

We walked through Traverse City and State parks. The weather felt very Pacific Northwest. Although the fall colors popped, the low light conditions didn’t allow David’s phone to capture things as bright as they appeared. Here are some shots from in town and in nearby Peninsula Township:






Giant pumpkins and owls! What’s not to love?!




For reference, the 45th parallel also runs through Yellowstone and Northern Italy. David wanted to document me standing half way between the North Pole and the Equator. After our drive to the tip of Peninsula Township, we hiked around in the rain and then drank in the views the entire way back to Traverse City. Not only did photos fail to capture the sheer magnificence of gold, but a half hour of jiggling with photos and WordPress won’t allow me to share any of the scenic overlooks. You’ll just have to take my word for it or go see for yourself. Gold and green everywhere with little strokes of red. Nature creates the best art of all.

We worked up quite an appetite in the chilly wind and mist, so we stopped for some Himalayan Street Food on our way out of town. Also known as “Nepalese Have Another,” this food truck made us nostalgic for one of our favorite restaurants in Madison, Wisconsin, Himul Chuli. This hot pink food truck in Traverse City, photos of which my laptop likewise refuses to load, was a welcome sight on a grey afternoon. We split the root vegetable curry with a side of dahl, and our tummies went to heaven.

Based on conversations with locals, our whirlwind but extra relaxed trip didn’t even begin to explore what Traverse City and the surrounding areas have to offer. We look forward to future jaunts exploring Michigan’s famous M-22 scenic drive, as well as making our way through the many restaurants and side adventures in different seasons. Our day and a half getaway felt like a full week of rest and rejuvenation.

As usual, though, we felt so good returning to our Dra’Faven in Kalamazoo. Normally, I love living right by a large body of water, but for some reason, wherever we go, no matter how much we love our time there, we always enjoy coming home. To me, that’s worth the vacation, too: huge gratitude and joy in our everyday.


Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Peace Mantra

I’ve received some texts and emails to the effect of “What the heck is happening out there?” Remember: peace in, peace out. Tend to your inner world first, and then you become the one who radiates peace into your outer world. For anyone feeling stressed, tense, or who simply wants to enhance a sense of calm, peace, clarity, and focus, here’s an hour of peace mantras:


Friday, 19 October 2018

Medical Intuitive FAQ: Can I Have a Session for Someone Else?

This wants to go up again, especially as the gulf continues to grow between people who are now reaping the benefits from years of inner processing and shadow work and some loved ones for whom the consequence tab has now come due. Sometimes it feels hard to claim your own hard earned joy and liberation, and you just want to “make” other people see how different life could be. Force is not a recipe for enlightenment and self-responsibility, though. This post shares my own ethics for supporting relationships while honoring individual choice and timing. Much love to all, wherever you find yourself on this spiral journey!

Laura Bruno's Blog

Well meaning friends and family members often ask me questions about other people in their lives who would not themselves be inclined to schedule their own Medical Intuitive or Soul Reading; however, I’ve noticed a major uptick in this trend during the past 24 hours. Because I know this issue comes up during sessions and emailed inquiries, I thought I’d post my general policy here.

My parameters for doing a session for a person through someone else include at least one of the following:

a) Expressed permission from that family member or friend to discuss whatever comes up.

b) That person would need to be a child or otherwise unable to express themselves or participate in a session (i.e. in a coma, autistic, no use of vocal cords, etc.).

c) I can do a session for you, but we would focus primarily on helping to support you in dealing…

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Wednesday, 17 October 2018

October 2018 Specials

Two weeks left for these specials. October seems surreal — both speeding by and in frame by frame slow motion.

Laura Bruno's Blog


“Boo, Gotcha!” Big Picture Reboot

The title of this new special references that haunted house scare from someone or something jumping out when least expected. Some shocks are easier to laugh off than others; some of life’s “boo, gotcha!” moments can haunt us for years or even decades. This 30-minute session brings clarity and bigger picture context to the ghosts of your past. Whether from last week or eons ago, soul shocks finally begin to heal when we recognize and honor their role in the soul’s larger journey.

This session will help anyone with unexplained attachments, difficult breakups, sudden “accidents,” unexplained phobias, or feelings you just can’t shake. It can also provide clarity on recurring dreams, “blessings in disguise” where you can’t find the blessing, as well as “what are the odds?!” freakish experiences. A half-hour for $88 if prepaid on or by October 31, 2018. (Save…

View original post 451 more words


Monday, 15 October 2018

Lyme Book, Gardening and Other Updates

First, a Writing Update

I haven’t given a progress update in awhile, so I thought I’d share some recent developments with my Lyme books. Yes, that’s books, plural!

The Metaphysics of Lyme Disease has over 102,000 words and counting, written primarily by me, but also including wisdom, examples and inspiration from many Lyme savvy colleagues and survivors. I’m so grateful for their contributions, and I cannot believe how much I have grown along with the book. When I couldn’t find an astrologer to write the most important patterns I see again and again in the charts of Lyme clients, I formalized 12 years of armchair astrology, under the perfect-for-me mentorship of my dear friend Ann Kreilkamp.

Now I find another need to branch out, as I would love to offer one, primary, hands-on resource for guided journaling, self-assessment, and timeline shifts related to Lyme disease. I currently have about 30 additional books people would need to read and then discern which aspects and and how to tweak them for healing Lyme. If I add all those exercises and questions into The Metaphysics of Lyme Disease, then the flow stops and starts, switching gears and losing the important sense of a larger, interconnected picture. Plus, it would become an even longer book and require major editing to create a cohesive text with all the contributors, my explanations and much more hands-on guidance. I originally wanted to release my Lyme book by the end of 2018, but the project has grown — and deepened — so much that trying to rush for an arbitrary deadline feels wrong.

But I do feel led to release a Lyme book this year!

Last Friday, inspiration struck. As in permaculture, I reminded myself, “The problem is the solution.” I realized I not only could, but should release two Lyme books. They will be standalone books; however, they’ll work well together. Without giving away too much of the surprise, the first, which I do believe I can release in 2018, will bring some fun and creativity into the mix, for me, as well as readers. It will be much more interactive, a kind of step-by-step guide. The second book (The Metaphysics of Lyme Disease) will explain the overarching patterns, the more general “why” of Lyme, as well as give larger context for a highly personal disease. Since Lyme is so individual, complex, and tricky to treat, both books can benefit anyone interested in spiritual initiation, soul blueprints, medical intuition, astrology, and the nexus of mind-body-emotions-spirit. Both books will deepen and inform the other.

This new book will challenge me in several ways, including the need to learn new software. I’m still researching if it can do everything I think it will allow me to do. If so, then this hands-on book will also include some original artwork by me. If not, it will still serve like a pocket “me” coaching people through the Lyme journey in ways I’ve not seen or heard elsewhere. I feel great relief and excitement with this development. It also makes use of a fiction project I started but decided to table last October. In this new form, the fiction will work and play well. I’ll keep you posted as I get closer to completion and release. This shift will likely speed along the metaphysics book, as it becomes easier to organize and unify.

Thank you for your continued interest and encouragement.

Garden Updates:

As we anticipate our late first frost this coming Wednesday, I spent yesterday afternoon cleaning up the garden, harvesting herbs, and planting 62 spring bulbs. I still have 51 to go. David helped me dig 6″ deep holes for 12 giant hyacinths visible from our front window, and I planted 50 light blue early snow glories to naturalize in our front yard. I still have 50 to go, plus a Madonna lily that hasn’t yet told me her preferred location.

Meanwhile, pineapple sage puts on a magnificent display:


I also hope that the cleared space will give this slow developer collard enough light to get growing!


In garden related news, although these are not our cucumbers, we’ve got some new pickling accoutrements called Pickle Pipes and Easy Weight lids. These both turn any sized wide mouth Mason jar into one of the easiest fermenting vessels we’ve found. We have tried many, from large Amish crocks to the Perfect Pickler. This combo is the simplest yet:


Other Updates:

We continue to enjoy our Instant Pot, but I broke out my homemade Wonder Oven last Wednesday to keep a huge pot of soup warm for our out of town dinner guests. That remains one of my favorite off-grid cooking and temperature controlling methods. On tonight’s menu, Sweet Potato Spinach Lasagna with a cauliflower-based bechamel sauce, recipes from the Forks Over Knives cookbook. Cooler weather has us back in the creative vegan cooking swing of things, and we’re really enjoying the variety afforded by library books and some new vegan air fryer and Instant Pot cookbooks. Although we’re not 100% vegan anymore, we still prefer vegan food most of the time.

Back in Goshen, we had very few dining options, and so we perfected from scratch vegan comfort food that we grew, prepared and served ourselves and dozens of dinner guests over the course of 5 years. We took a well earned break after moving to Kalamazoo in June 2017, but it feels good and nurturing to return to much more DIY meals again.

In keeping with this hands-on nurturing, I’ve also been spending more time on hair, body care, and creative outfits. It might seem silly, but I find the variety and creativity both grounding and joyful. The Freckled Fox is my new favorite hair inspiration. I don’t have her super long locks, but I’ve tried some hairstyles just for the fun of it. The fishtail braid (left) and combo Dutch braid/rope braid (right) take me back to long ago waitress days when I enjoyed creating funky hairstyles to keep my hair from getting in everybody’s food! The center was my first attempt with a curling iron since I was about 12 years old. LOL, it went crazy wild, but the curls then waves lasted for days.

I debated including this last part, but I think it’s important to remind people that little things can add life and fun, especially when you’re working hard on other things. Reinventing yourself for an afternoon can shift stuck projects and open new ways of seeing “ordinary” life. Allowing yourself some creative nurturing also tells your body, face and hair, “You matter. You’re important to me.” With all my airy Gemini and Aquarius placements, I’m trying to do more to honor my Taurus Midheaven, Virgo Rising and Capricorn North Node.

Oddly enough, this hair and body care has both of my deceased grandmothers much more around! My Capricorn Grandma Van always joked, “Your grandfather used to call me Multiplicity.” That was her way of explaining so many different coats, shoes, dolls and more. Now granted, Grandma Van overdid the Capricorn a bit, but her stubborn grit took her to a joyful 101 years old reading romance novels and eating sweets until one week before she passed. I consider Grandma Van my direct ancestor for animal communication. She could call wild birds to land on her finger. My Gramma Irene couldn’t call songbirds to her, but she sang like one. She was also a beautiful woman who aged well. Born on the cusp of Aquarius, I know she must have had a lot of Capricorn in her chart, because she, too, had a goat-like determination, iron will and love of sweets. Both grandmothers loved their desserts!

I had planned to include this photo anyway, but I just noticed the crazy hairdos, compliments of Gramma Irene. Above you can see from left to right: me, Gramma Irene, my brother Craig, Grandma Van, and sister Erica. I don’t know what happened to my little Indian girl dark skin and brown hair! When I moved to Monterey, CA in 2007, my skin went pale and my hair turned red. In any case, I find it fascinating that as I embrace my Capricorn North Node in a variety of ways, both grandmothers seem tangibly present and supportive. Everything interconnects, and I feel grateful for support from all quarters.

How has everyday magic infused your own life? Has the changing light of this season changed your focus?


Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Fox and Owl

I promised to share some of the ongoing fox synchronicities related to my Tahoe trip, our workshop, and continuing upon return to Kalamazoo. On the Sunday after our workshop, I took a shopping detour with some friends to get food for my return trip. We also stopped in TJ Maxx in South Lake Tahoe, where I happened upon a white pillow with a huge red fox painted on it. Wherever I walked in the store, I kept “landing” right beside the fox pillow. If I had any space to spare in my suitcase, I would have bought it.

The sync winks became more obvious the next day when Tania and I sat in her magickal office, hanging out with Queen Astrid.

astrid birthday girl

All of a sudden, Tania noticed a movement in the mirror behind Astrid — a reflection from across the street. We ran outside just in time to see some sort of canine wandering through her neighbors’ fenced in yard.

“They don’t have a dog,” Tania said.

“That’s not a dog,” I said.

We looked at each other, then looked back at the visitor: “It’s a fox! A red fox!”

I had wondered if we’d see a fox, because I’ve been rather obsessed with foxes since their arrival in our own neighborhood after many months of me sending out a call to foxes. They take over groundhog dens, and our neighborhood has quite the issue with groundhogs. Our next door neighbor humanely trapped and released two of them, but others met with less compassionate fates. One got hit by a car, another was poisoned, a third poisoned by eating the remains of the other one, and apparently, two more got what another neighbor winked and called, “lead poisoning.”

About a week before I flew out to Tahoe, our nextdoor neighbor told me he saw a red fox walk right down our shared property line. I think I squealed, and he said, “I thought you had something to do with that. I’ve lived here for over 20 years. I ain’t never seen a fox. I seen deer, ‘coons, possums, rabbits, squirrels, GROUNDhogs, we got all kinds of animals. A buck looked right in my window two winters ago. We were eye to eye. They got big eyes up that close! But I never seen a fox until this week.”

I ran inside and texted way too many people, “I did it! A fox arrived. The fox heard my call. We have a fox.” I think Tania and I may even have referenced the fox that morning before she saw the movement in the mirror.

Meanwhile, we received emails from students in our class sharing stories about recent encounters with gray foxes. Everyone associated the foxes with our workshop, and some stories even involved husbands who felt compelled to share a magical fox interlude with their wives.

The next day, Tania and I joined her partner Dave for a walk through the forest and meadow, down to the shores of Lake Tahoe — a five mile round trip hike.

animal bunch.jpg

On our way down and then back, Tania found what appeared to be owl feathers, and I confirmed they were. Dave wondered how we could feel so certain, and I commented that I was wearing an owl T-shirt, which exponentially increased the likelihood of those being owl feathers. After a few moments, I could feel Dave trying to suppress a chuckle, so I told him about the fox pillow sighting followed by our fox encounter the next morning.

“Plus,” I said, “I have loads of synchronous encounters with owls. Owls and synchronicity go hand in hand. Just because it’s a-logical doesn’t mean it’s illogical. We’re operating on a whole ‘nother plane of existence with its own rules of logic.”

“Fair enough,” he said and smiled.

We continued walking back to their house, washed the sand and sap off our feet and went inside. When I checked my phone, I found the following photos and text, sent exactly when Dave, Tania and I were talking about the owl and fox synchronicities. From my David, back in Kalamazoo: “Upon arrival home tonight — confirmed fox sightings across the street”



I shared the text and photos with Tania and Dave. “Well, this just seals the deal!” I said, “Those were owl feathers. Synchronicity says.” The next morning we heard from another student with a gray fox story.

Since I returned home, I’ve found fox scat in the backyard, which made me happy he’s found his way beyond our fence. Our nextdoor neighbor showed me two night photos he caught of the fox, very up close, but hard to see due to the dark. “He came right up to me at 2 in the morning. I couldn’t sleep. I was hopin’ he’d get that possum!”

“I’m sure he’s hoping he does, too.”

Yesterday, another neighbor told me, “You’re gonna love this. There’s been more fox sightings in the neigbhorhood. There’s at least two, maybe three. The neighbors are so excited on Facebook. We’ve never had a fox in this neighborhood in the entire history of the neighborhood. There’s people who lived here for 40+ years and never saw a fox. Now we’ve got a couple.”

Again, me, squealing … and my (different) neighbor: “I’ve been reading their comments and thinking to myself, ‘Laura did this.’ I know you called that fox, and let me tell you, the neighbors are excited. We might have fox babies next spring.”

Given that the neighborhood Facebook group has been primarily occupied all summer with grumblings about the Township Board and their obsession with sidewalks, these foxes have brought a welcome joy and levity back to the group. We heard back yesterday from the Assistant Director of Public Works that things look optimistic with the Road Commission approving the plan we’ve fought so hard to get approved by the Township and implemented by the Road Commission. Fingers, toes and wings crossed, we continue to make progress….

In any case, the fox sightings and excitement continue, and we have owls here, too. Those arrived a few months after David and I moved here — also called, also first time sightings for long term residents. I do love nature, even the pesky, destructive, hilarious groundhogs. It feels nice to have a little more balance of power, though. Plus, fox kits! I cannot wait to see them. Oh, my goodness!!!!


Monday, 8 October 2018

Autumn Renewal

As we move further into autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, I can’t help smiling at the instantaneous replacement of whatever falls away. I see this most obviously in the garden, where hibiscus leaves turn yellow and burgundy for fall, while two of our four bushes sport an unexpected second round of blooms:


Making room for new food in our chest freezer the other day, I found last year’s harvest of North Star cherries from my Goshen permaculture garden. Today, I boiled those into a tart cherry sauce for vegan cheesecake to be served to a friend from our Madison days who had visited me in Goshen right after I took over the blue house next door as an office. She and her husband will join us for a gluten free vegan feast this week:


Old into new, continuing a red theme, which the Kalamazoo garden echoes right now, too:


You can see pineapple sage in bloom above, with habanero peppers and salvia below:


As the world outside puts on a vibrant display of blooms and harvest before it goes dormant, so, too, I’ve found this time period extra productive. At our “Living a More Magickal Life” workshop at Lake Tahoe, sweet friend and student, Allison Jacobson, presented Tania Marie and me each with a gift of her new Inspire Organics product called “Light Up.” This superfood drink mix contains all sorts of adrenal supportive herbs and fruits, and Tania and I have both found it useful as a recovery drink. Others use it to replace coffee or other stimulants.

Both here and after long Tahoe hikes, my body gets a surge of non-jittery energy about 15 minutes afterwards. I also notice extra productivity and focus, which is why I chose to picture it here with “My Shining Life 2018” Leonie Dawson goals workbook:


Between Light Up and my new matcha latte habit, pictured below with homemade pumpkin oat breakfast “cake” from Kathy Hester’s OATrageous Oatmeals cookbook, I love the smooth, clear focus and intentions:


My nervous system normally does not like caffeine, but I find Light Up and matcha both work well for me. BTW, that’s the actual color of our dish and my soy matte latte. I hadn’t planned the match, but it snuck in to delight me last Friday.

In other news, Kathy Hester’s books have revolutionized our lives. Both the “OATrageous Oatmeals” cookbook and especially “The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook for your Instant Pot.” Taurus David loves kitchen gadgets, whereas, I trend much more towards minimalist. He wanted an Instant Pot years ago, but I thought, “Hey, we have a pressure cooker and a crock pot. Why would we need an Instant Pot?” Apparently, because rice cooker.

Even so, I held out for years until a couple weekends ago when our nearby Costco featured such a super sale on Instant Pots. I’m not exaggerating when I say our lives will never be the same. First, we discovered Kathy Hester, and then we found all the other things you can do with an Instant Pot like easy homemade yogurt, super efficient broths, easy reheating of frozen leftovers and much more. After years of growing our food and then making almost everything from scratch in Goshen, we’ve been uninspired to cook since moving to Kalamazoo. Between all the special-diet friendly restaurants in Western Michigan, groundhog wars in the garden, plus flash sale Veestro deliveries, we just haven’t felt like putting much effort into the kitchen.

The weekend I returned from Tahoe, we celebrated in Grand Rapids and Grand Haven, then bought our Instant Pot the next day. Since then, I don’t think we’ve eaten out at all. We feel so jazzed to create new meals and also to revamp some of our old from scratch favorites. In some ways, it finally feels like we’ve settled into our new life, ready to cycle through the spiral journey and reclaim some old yummies along the way. Meanwhile, we’ve upgraded our process, made it more fun and more efficient. We originally intended our move to Kalamazoo as an optimization, but it’s taken us awhile to find our new normal.

After much experimentation, exploration, some deaths of loved ones, connecting with neighbors, new (and formalized old) studies for me, and a new job for David, life feels focused, with a firm foundation, and ready to expand. Love and gratitude abound!



Friday, 5 October 2018

Metaphysical Meaning of UTI, Bladder and Kidney Problems

This post from September 2017 wants to go up again. It has remained one of the top posts since I originally blogged it, and with all the Kavanaugh-Blasey, #metoo, Karen Monahan focus and more, this area’s imbalances have only increased. This past week, I’ve heard from many women suffering from long term bladder/female hormonal issues that have recently peaked in intensity. No surprise with all the collective Lilith energies. I also find the pain and reactivity of this archetype highly relevant for autoimmune reactions, PMS and yes, especially chronic UTI’s and mystery bladder infections.

Remember to seek joy and minimize irritations. Find little ways to shift your energy to create the life you love rather than react to what you hate. This area houses your deepest soul longings. What do you REALLY want to experience? Live from that place, moment by moment for more ease and please instead of trauma drama.

Laura Bruno's Blog

In a span of nine days, I just spoke with eight women about severe UTI or bladder infections. This topic is not unusual for Medical Intuitive sessions; however, that number of people in a short span of time definitely got my attention. I figured if so many people are contacting me about these issues at one time, then likely more “out there” are suffering in silence. This post is not limited to women, by the way. It just happened to be eight women I recently heard from about UTI and bladder issues.

As usual, I give my standard disclaimer: I am not a doctor or psychologist, not diagnosing or prescribing. Anything I share here is based on intuitive observation and/or experience. Medical Intuition is not meant to replace medical advice or support. I look at the energies of things on mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and other levels and report what…

View original post 1,540 more words


Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Lake Tahoe Recap and Reintegration

Sweet Tania Marie posted a lengthy description of our co-taught “Living a More Magickal Life” workshop, along with photos and personal sharing about my week long stay with her in Stateline, NV, where I lived not once, but twice in the mid-2000’s. I also spent a year in Reno and used to travel there for years afterwards, in order to teach monthly workshops. Given 43 moves in my life, Reno-Tahoe feels more like home than most places. Now that Tania, her partner Dave, bunny Astrid and two cats, Boojum and Sweet Pea live in Stateline, too, I’m sure my David and I will visit there more often. This time, though, it was just me, headed to Reno for the first time since January 2008 and to Tahoe for the first time since January 2007.

First of all, our workshop went great! We had so much fun teaching together, and synchronicity ensured just the right mix of nine women, eleven total with Tania and me. We dressed the part in purple, as did several of the day’s attendees, and the entire afternoon focused on recognizing and empowering the magic already moving through everyone’s lives. The Divine Feminine was out in full force! Our workshop included instruction, stories, meditations, exercises, nature immersion and a potent circle/healing ritual. The animals and wind chimed in at key moments of each person’s healing ceremony, underscoring “As Within, So Without,” along with the interconnectedness and support from all creatures and avenues.  Here Tania and I are post-workshop, but pre-vegan pizza group dinner:


It was a week of many, many photos, some of which Tania includes in her post. Since she already shared lots of Laura-Tania pictures, I’ll try not to duplicate too many here.

As usual for our gatherings, Tania and I are both on the cusp of big shifts, which our visits tend to amplify. I left California rather suddenly in February 2010, so for me, this trip also meant reclaiming any bits and pieces of myself still lingering in that former version of me — parts on the road not taken. Reno-Tahoe, Monterey, and Sonoma County remain among my top favorite spots I’ve lived, so I wondered how it would feel to return. It felt good! But it also felt very affirming of my current life in Kalamazoo, MI, married to a different husband, living in beautiful, quirky Dra’Faven, and within a short drive of my beloved Lake Michigan. It felt very natural to wander around Tahoe with Tania Marie and others, to hug trees and dip our feet in the water.



Our friend (and workshop participant) Allison Jacobson (pictured with me above) even managed to capture some cosmic action on her iPhone camera:


We enjoyed communing with the Rock People as much as with the trees and otherworldly visitors:


Do you see the giant tortoise below? We kept finding winks from Tania’s tortoise Gaia:


On the Monday after our workshop, Tania drove us to Reno, where we met long time friend, colleague and blog contributor Timothy Glenn for lunch at Great Full Gardens:

reunion faeries

Their Vegan Reuben’s were so delicious that Tania and I went to their other location for a repeat the evening I flew home. Of course, our lunch reunion included desserts. How could we pass up the rainbow colored “Happy Happy Joy Joy” and some kind of chocolate pecan vegan cheesecake? At least we split them among the three of us! In fact, as usual when Tania and I get together, the entire week included vegan feasting, but we burned it off hiking a vigorous 5-6 miles most days.

Mornings were spent with Boojum the very naughty yet charming cat and custom lattes made by Dave:


For me, a key part of this reunion included a trip to Virginia City, which has haunted me since I first visited it in 2005. Earlier this year, I finally realized the “novel” that has tried to hijack every writing project, as well as my formalized astrology studies, was actually a past life residue that needed major reintegration and healing. I had known about part of it before, but astrological analysis of my own chart, a friend’s and historical charts of our “characters” confirmed things for me enough to accept that fact is, indeed, stranger than fiction. I’m happy to report that Tania and I had fun in Virginia City, but none of the spooky flashbacks or energies I used to feel there remained. I took that as some of the biggest confirmation of internal shift and healing.

train faeries

On Wednesday, Tania, Dave and I hiked to Angora Lakes, as well as Eagle Lake, encountering lots of faery energy, along with breathtaking views.


This was our last day of major hikes, and my left knee decided to make that clear by hyperextending about 1/2 a mile before the end of our hike. Somehow that seemed like my body’s way of directing my final day in Tahoe, since my journey home — like my journey there — involved three flights and over fifteen hours of travel. I learned on my flight from Reno to Phoenix that Chicago’s Midway Airport offers a Southwest direct flight to Reno during eight months of the year. When David and I visit Dave and Tania, we’ll definitely explore that option! Since I don’t drive and took a solo trip, these pilgrimages on both ends of the visit also seemed symbolic. I wrapped my knee, and it did fine lugging my overstuffed purse and backpack through three airports.

On my final morning in Tahoe, I saw two eagles soaring above the trees just outside the house. I felt the eagle energy before seeing them, so when I recognized those broad, rectangular wings, that felt like confirmation. Three eagles (and/or owls) often make appearances at key shifts in my life. I actually have some other animal synchronicities I’ll share in another post, since this one’s getting long, but suffice to say, I saw two eagles flying over evergreens on my last morning in Tahoe, and on the next morning’s arrival in Kalamazoo, look what greeted me:


The third eagle!

David and I had planned a fun weekend to reintegrate, attending the world famous Art Prize in Grand Rapids. As we wandered through the various shops and venues on Saturday, the sync winks continued. I kept finding Christmas gifts for Tania related to our visit, and magic continued seeping into the mix:


Imagine my delight to find “Cinderella’s Sequel”!


Saturday’s adventures and reintegration included not only art, magic and a surprise concert, but more vegan feasting and a visit to Lake Michigan in Grand Haven. You can see me with my knee still wrapped on Saturday, although I’m happy to report that it feels fine now. I’ve since ridden the exercise bike and gone on walks without issue. Going to Lake Michigan after Lake Tahoe felt like linking the two experiences and further integrating who I was, who I am and whoever I’m becoming:


Tania and I both sensed a timeline shift during our own powerful Full Moon healing/activation we did for each other. Tania describes her own synchronous confirmations in her post, but for me, the more obvious confirmation came through three days of bizarrely reordered scheduling. My calendar seriously looks like Mercury Retrograde times ten, with almost every single session pre-scheduled prior to my trip, reorganizing itself in some way, shape or form. People have had jury duty, dates and times have changed from the originals, last minute reschedules have opened slots for clients requesting emergency sessions or to add more time to their original request.

Things seem to be settling back into a normal flow today, but the only time I’ve experienced this many schedule alterations in the past has been after a major timeline shift. So far, the new version seems sweet, empowered and fun. I have vague glimmers of what clicked in, but I continue to integrate and reintegrate both new and old, embracing optimal living. Like Tania’s, this lengthy post only highlights some of our amazing week together and how that’s beginning to reveal itself in “normal” life. I’m excited to share all the fox and owl synchronicities, but those continue to unfold. I trust they’ll reveal themselves. As I said in our class, “In perfect love and perfect trust, perfect timing is a must.”

Thanks for joining me for this portion of the neverending story. Blessed Be … and be the blessing!
