Like the otherworldly birch tree in my last post, I’ve been waiting to blog these photos and stories for awhile. Some over the top synchronicities at last Tuesday’s Township Board Meeting let me know it would soon be time. Background: a very active neighbor and I compared notes a few weeks ago and discovered that she, her daughter and I are really in this sidewalk battle to preserve our trees. Others love our mature tree lined streets, but for the three of us, it goes much deeper. Trees, nature spirits, the Fae … for us, these represent something spiritual, the link between spiritual and material realms. The passion fueling each of us arises from the core of our being.
On that evening, our neighbor showed me her nextdoor neighbor’s yard, the apparent center of an old apple orchard from 50 years ago. She pointed to circles of thicker, greener grass and said, “Those rings drive them nuts because they can’t get their lawn to stay even after mowing. They’re the circles around old apple trees that have been gone for half a century. The Earth remembers.”
“They’re faery rings!” I said, “Apple trees are sacred to the Otherworld.”
My neighbor said in a hushed, amused voice, “That’s what I told them! Faery rings. They think I’m joking.”
I assured her I knew she wasn’t. We then discussed the Board’s seeming obsession of sidewalks cutting 15 feet into our yards, despite our quiet streets and a 90% petition to keep our yards as is. Add a bike lane, but don’t mess with our trees or the character of our neighborhood. I said, “It might not seem like it, but I have been polite so far. I’m trying to warn them.”
She said, “So have I, and they don’t get it. The Earth remembers. This is very active land. If they’re reckless, there’ll be consequences. They’ve awakened the dragons!”
“Funny you should say that,” I said, “because David named our home ‘Dra’Faven,’ (Dragon Faery Haven), and we have a lot of dragons, faeries and nature spirits.”

I continued, “Every day I walk the neighborhood and warn the trees. When I walk by other tree beings, I tell those trees what’s happening here. Protect your brethren! Be like the elves of Iceland. You know about them, right?”
She nodded. “The dragons are on it,” she said, and I told her about these orgone dragons that called to me right around the time this whole sidewalk controversy began. In January 2017, sweet Tania Marie shared photos of an orgone crystal dragon she welcomed to her crystal collection. I loved this selenite beauty, but at the time felt no draw towards anything like that for myself. In late May 2018, I started thinking of a crystal and orgone dragon “out of the blue.” Over and over, I just couldn’t get the idea out of my head.
A particular one, called Jaiyana really called to me. Formed of amethyst, blue howlite, orgone, and clear quartz, this dragon haunted me. On the day I set for decision time, the price dropped, which I took as a sign. I ordered her, and she arrived just as David’s mom got very sick. Among other things, these crystals and orgone combo help to process grief from losing a loved one. David’s mom passed peacefully on June 13th, after having said all her I love you’s and goodbye’s. She was 89 and this did not come as a surprise, but the powerful energy of Jaiyana helped transmute intense feelings into a sense of rightness, peace and relief. She arrived just in time to support this process.

That would be a lovely, synchronous story, but it’s not the end. Without going into too much background, a second orgone dragon made its way to me; however, it took a detour. I’ll include part of my Etsy conversation with Michael, the creator of these new dragon friends. I had told him I’d likely share this story, as it illustrates not only the power and beauty of orgone, but also how lovely and high vibe Mike is. I love connecting with and supporting people like this! As you’ll see at the end, though, this story gets curiouser and curiouser. The Jaiyana order featured some synchronous strangeness, but weirdness really ramped up with the next order.
“Hi Mike,
“I looked at the tracking, and I’m confused. It says it is out for delivery today in Lancaster, PA, but I live in Kalamazoo, MI. Did you send it to the correct address?
Hi Laura,
I’m also confused now! I’ve attached a copy of the USPS receipt to show you that I’m truly not loosing my mind. You’ll see that the tracking number I gave you is correct for Kalamazoo, MI and according to tracking (which you already know of course) it’s due to arrive somewhere in Lancaster by 8pm tonight?!?!?
I’ve got to wrap my head around this – SOOOO weird!!!! I’ll have to make some phone calls tomorrow, since it’s after hours, but I’m going to try and get logged into USPS right now to see if I can intercept whatever is going on.
Wanted to get back to you first though. I’ll get back to you ASAP on my findings and of course, if by some miracle it does arrive tonight, please let me know. No matter what happens, please know you will not be left alone on this one and even if it comes down to simply refunding you, that’s what I will do if necessary.
I’m speechless …..!!! I’ll be back to you as soon as I can find something out!
and then a follow-up from Mike:
So I sent an e-mail as well as called USPS – I finally hung up after being on hold for nearly 58 minutes. They said it would be a 20 minute wait ….. after hanging up, I then called again to find that they had closed. Gotta love it!
In the meantime, I just pulled up the tracking number and now it does say it’s in your area and still due to be delivered tonight by 8pm. Please let me know if it does. How ultra weird and frustrating this postal service can be at times. Fingers crossed it was all a false alarm and works out as it should!
“Hi Mike,
“So sorry for all this inconvenience! Someone in Lancaster must have needed a little orgone-crystal healing! It looks like it went to Grand Rapids last night and is out for delivery today in Kalamazoo. I will let you know when I have it here.
“On a side note, my now ex-husband and I lived in Santa Fe for awhile and visited the pilgrimage church in Chimayo. We got a bunch of the ‘healing dirt’ and packaged it up and mailed it to various people. One person’s envelope did not arrive for the longest time (weeks!) and when it did, there was a hole in the envelope and bag and very little dirt left. She worked as an energy healer, too, as we all did at that time. We figured that this envelope had gone on a journey, scattering needed healing all over the place. She put the envelope with its tiny specks of healing dirt in a drawer so she could at least have the essence of the dirt.
“When she next opened the drawer, it had a full bag of dirt in it, much more than we had originally sent her! People try to debunk that church in Chimayo, saying the priests refill the hole, etc. but miracles do occur there. We have never been able to explain this long journey of the healing soil and its mysterious replenishment in the drawer, but this whole orgone dragon situation reminds me of it.
“There’s more to the story than I can share here, because some of it is not my own story … but [suggesting this second dragon] was VERY synchronous.
“No idea how all of this fits together in the biggest picture… I just have a feeling there’s more at work here than meets the eye and that your orgone dragons have somehow participated in a much larger, collective healing. So thank you. Gotta love the Mystery with a capital M. If I write about this experience on my blog, I will link to your Etsy shop. If I don’t share this story, I’ll still find a way to work in a link and recommendation. 
“Many blessings to you and your work,
From Mike:
Wow! I know quite well that miracles do indeed happen and I am simply bursting at my heart chakra as I read these stories! The dirt sent chills down my spine! I’ve been making orgone’s for several years now and have yet to list them all in this shop as their are so many but the stories I’ve heard from those that have purchased them are astounding! Those that do not believe in miracles have simply not taken the time to notice becuase yes, they truly do happen all of the time. Blessings for your keen awareness and acknowledgement of Spirit’s work in our lives! 
Here’s a photo of Amell, the traveling crystal orgone dragon, filled with red jasper, black tourmaline, clear quartz, pyrite and more … excellent for dream recall and finishing projects (like my Metaphysics of Lyme book). Amell guards and inspires in our main living room, near the “Eight of Wands” geode, a magical spiral, dictionary, succulents and Christmas cactus.

As a thank you to Mike for all his trouble, and also because we loved the quality and beauty of the crystal and orgone dragons, I went on to order two more gifts for others. One was a crystal orgone decorative dragonfly plate, and the other a vintage baby dragon hatching from a red tourmaline egg. Both items supported daughters grieving a lost parent, and again, they arrived with perfect timing and symbolism. I wanted to link to Mike’s Etsy shop, CrystalWiseShop, because he’s such an angel, but oddly enough, the shop has disappeared. Perhaps “Michael” was more of an angel than I realized. 
At the beginning of this post, I mentioned some hilarious synchronicities at last Tuesday’s Board Meeting. I’m sure the minutes will not reflect these moments, but a few moments grabbed my attention. Recall my neighbor’s comments about “the dragons are on it!” and our mutual sense that the neighborhood has some otherworldly protection. Words and phrases you don’t normally hear in a Township Board Meeting: “accounting magic,” “And all I see is the dragon’s eye watching me,” “Harry Potter,” “CATS” (an acronym), and “time travel,” among other pow in the third eye synchronicities. We also learned that another neighborhood has organized to protect their trees, as well.
I can’t say where all of this will lead, but these sync winks and Mystery seem positive. The other day, while running errands with David, I said, “If I were a developer, I’d buy up all this vacant commercial and high density residential land … and leave it alone. Or at the very least, preserve as many trees as I could. Who wants to live in apartments with sidewalks two feet from their windows?! I mean, yeah, they’re maximizing their imprint on the land, but who’s going to rent those apartments? What’s wrong with a little privacy and green? Why don’t other people value trees?!”
David grabbed my hand and said, “Ahh, my hippie libertarian, you’re most unusual. You really are a hippie libertarian, you know.”
“You mean a faery?”
He smiled. “Is that what they’re calling it these days?”
“They’ve always called it that. I love nature. I hug trees. I like my privacy. I don’t brook liars. I honor Sovereignty and the land, and I protect what’s mine. Faery Rules.”
David smiled as he realized I wasn’t joking.
“I’m serious. Faeries are hippie libertarians. Faery Rules trump all. Respect, not control. A person’s word is bond. No rudeness! They’ll see. Nature always bats last.”
“Nature and the Biggest Faery.” As we pulled into Dra’Faven’s driveway, David patted my hand again and said, “I do love the Biggest Faery.”

And everyone knows the Biggest Faery loves her trees!