This is hands down one of my all time favorite articles from my friend, Timothy Glenn. I’m not into mandatory anything, but if I were, I would propose this article as mandatory reading.
You can find the original “Global Metamorphosis” article from 2008 for review by clicking here. I posted it in 2013, as Tim went through some old writings and found it eerily applicable to April 2013. I remember reading the first article he sent out in 2008, though, because in my own life, Pluto in Capricorn has been nothing short of a death and rebirth of, ohhhh, everything. Today’s post gives us a status report as Pluto continues to make its way through this sign. Ponder for a moment how much the world has shifted in the past decade — both personally and collectively. Kind of unbelievable, huh? Love ’em or hate ’em, Pluto and Saturn know how to evoke the changes.
Global Metamorphosis 2018 Update
Pluto two thirds of the way through Capricorn
by Timothy Glenn
From the original Global Metamorphosis article in 2008:
“As Pluto, the ruler of the underworld, grinds its way through Capricorn, it will tend to bring that which is hidden out into the public eye. Do you suppose we will see ‘leaks’ of information the Powers That Would Be would rather keep secret? Count on it. Watch for it. Get ready to do something about it.”
Each 30 degree sign of the zodiac is divided into 3 decans or decanates. Here in 2018, Pluto is crossing over 20 degrees of Capricorn, officially entering the third and final decanate. This means that Pluto is ready to finish warming up, so he can roll up his sleeves and get down to business. In Capricorn, Pluto’s business is to dismantle outmoded control systems, and then to begin replacing them with something more evolved.
Shifting GEARS
High on Pluto’s hit list, you will find Government, Economics, Academics, Religion and Science. These control systems have held power over humanity by concealing their true motives and agendas, while holding forth a façade of working for the “greater good”.
This is not meant to imply that there are not “good people” working within those control systems. It’s simply that the ordinary decent folk type humans hardly if ever get put in charge of anything significant, and are kept strictly compartmentalized. Many of them have no clue what they are actually supporting, and sincerely believe they are serving the “greater good”. Others merely bide their time, take notes, prepare documentation, and await their golden opportunity to become whistleblowers without having their lives destroyed by the old Powers That Would Be.
The Inspector General Gets Specific
Saturn (the solar system’s Inspector General) entered its home sign of Capricorn shortly before the Solstice in December of 2017. He will proceed up to 9 degrees and then retrograde back to 2 degrees, resuming direct motion in January of 2019.
As a result, Saturn will spend all of 2018 scouring the first decan of Capricorn, and laying the groundwork for restructuring…well, probably just about everything.
Saturn can be analogized to the guy who oversees the quality control department. He scrutinizes everything, makes his analysis, and then hands you the dreaded paperwork: “Here are your specifications. Reengineer these facets of the project. Then resubmit.” And in this scenario, he is addressing the entire human world.
Mars joined the party in Capricorn in mid March, adding a boost of energy to the planetary overhaul. On the day of this writing (April 2nd), Mars is overtaking Saturn. This conjunction brings enthusiasm and realism face to face, and the wise among us will purposefully focus our zeal with steady application, patience and perseverance.
Mars will breeze past retrograding Pluto on April 26. The power of this conjunction can be harnessed and directed, or it can be allowed (or caused) to explode into flames. Certainly the old world controlling creepazoids will resist the bulldozer of inevitability that is plowing them down in Capricorn.
Saturn will take the better part of 3 years to completely transit Capricorn, and will support Pluto’s efforts every step of the way. Perhaps the most fascinating episode of the adventure will occur around January 12th and 13th of 2020, as the Inspector General holds a public meeting with the King of the Underworld. Indeed, this upcoming Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn promises to jar even more of the unconscious masses out of their collective coma. The Sun and Mercury will “just happen” to be right there. The Sun will officiate, and Mercury will race ahead with the report.
Media Bypass
Overall, Pluto’s journey through Capricorn can be summarized as a Bible quote: “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” Luke 8:17
Pluto involves everything that is hidden, and his long sojourn through Capricorn will bring the Plutonian secrets out into the public arena.
At this stage of the game, there remains little if any sign that the corporate propaganda machine will soon offer to serve as a vehicle for helping the truth come to light. This tool of the controllers is often called the “mainstream media”, which implies that its audience comprises a majority of the population. However, it has lost so much of its illusory credibility and therefore such a noteworthy portion of its former audience that it no longer can rightfully claim the status of being mainstream.
And yet there are still millions of duped humans who believe they can turn to the television networks and their so-called “news” programs, and get more than a few glimmers of anything within a zillion lightyears of accurate and pertinent information. However, there was a Christian prophecy from 2011 that claimed this would happen…tapping our feet…drumming our fingers…we’re still waiting…but don’t hold your breath…
…and don’t hold your breath waiting for someone in formal wear and white gloves to hand you the truth on a silver platter centered on a red velvet cushion.
Seek and Ye Shall Find
About two thousand years ago, a famous Jewish Rabbi uttered the well known admonition: “Seek and ye shall find.” Seeking the truth entails a lot more than lamely saying, “Gosh, I wish I knew.”
It often happens that when you share some of your fact-based research with sleepers, they will ask: “How do you know?” My favorite response hearkens back (believe it or not) to a cute bit from 1970’s television (with slight variation): “No, Grasshopper. The question is: how is it you do not?”
The answer is simple. They have never genuinely sought. The truth is a treasure, and if you want to become a treasure hunter, you have to hunt. You can’t step outside your door, glance around and expect to see treasure lying around in your neighborhood. Truth seeking is a pro-active process. And in the famous quote, the verb “to seek” is rendered in the imperative tense. You want the truth? Then get your ass out there and search for it!
The Game Intensifies
Pluto the ruler of Scorpio carries more intensity than anything else in our zodiac. And the game of Pluto in Capricorn is amping up into a bit of a nail biter.
By all means, bypass the corporate media. If you’re reading this article, it’s probably because you have the internet at your fingertips. And for all of this tool’s usefulness, it is here in cyberspace that the game is being played out with gusto. Disinformation agents abound. Trolls, including those on government payrolls, infest the high traffic areas frequented by the truth seekers.
The corporate giants that own and operate the big platforms have been censoring more and more independent researchers and journalists. Websites and channels have been taken down. Pertinent facts have been scrubbed from the internet. Search algorithms have been altered to hide legitimate information from the truth seekers. For now, the tech giants can run, but they can’t hide. Pluto in Capricorn will root them out and expose their deeds and their hypocrisy.
Your Move
How do you want to play your part in the game?
Even those of us who have been researching these phenomena for decades are headed for some shocking revelations. We have been playing connect the dots; and just when a picture begins to emerge, we get hit by another barrage of dots. The rabbit hole keeps going deeper and deeper.
Proterrian says that we could spend an entire lifetime pursuing this as a full time job, pooling our data with hundreds of other researchers, and all we would achieve is “a scratch on the surface of the tip of the iceberg”. But at least we are prepared for the next wave of data to crash onto the shores of our awareness.
The global metamorphosis is accelerating. Anyone still resisting the truth may face the likelihood of eventually getting smacked up alongside the head with a cosmic sledge hammer. But no matter what our individual approach may be, we might all end up having our worldviews blasted to smithereens by cosmic reality bombs, or simply vaporized into nanoparticles by universal scalar truth weapons we haven’t even theorized about. Shifting from an infinitesimal fear-based matrix into the infinite love-based energy field might require a few illusions to get shattered.
Pluto will complete its passage over the two thirds mark in Capricorn in mid December. We have spent a decade reaching this milestone, and the game will only intensify from here.
Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn (with a little help from their friends) are suggesting that we up our game if we really want to play in the big leagues.
Your move.
Timothy Glenn