Friday, 30 June 2017

End of an Era ~ Goodbye, Faery Hof and Goodbye, Goshen!

After literally two months of packing, cleaning, sorting, teaching, and gifting, first with Haus Am See and now with our home, mini farm and food forest of the past almost five years, today we turned in our keys in a misty eyed exchange with our landlord. We are officially no longer the caregivers of Faery Hof. We and all the Faeries and Spirits of the Land wish Linette, Jason and their animal friends a magical, loving and joyful move-in tomorrow!

The first sunflower of the season popped out to mark the changeover:


All my indoor and outdoor container plants have made the journey, and tomorrow begins their shift from containers to raised beds, so these patient tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, kale and especially the very pot bound collards can release and expand into the new, just as we are. Our new yard has “good bones,” but it needs some loving care, which we’ll finally have time to address this weekend, intermixed with much unpacking.

Everything has occurred in such obviously perfect timing and with the perfect people with this entire process that this massive amount of work feels very satisfying. We’ve been so busy we’ve not really had time to process all the changes, but we already love, love, giddy love our new home. Details some other time, as we still have many moving parts. I’ll be back to regular sessions after the 4th of July.

Thanks to everyone for your patience, love, prayers, Reiki and good wishes during this sacred time. It truly feels like we shifted timelines not only for ourselves but for many others with this move, opening so much space for growth and abundance. We look forward to seeing what bursts forth for all of us.

Blessed Be … and be the blessing. It feels so good. 🙂



Thursday, 22 June 2017

July 2017 Special and Availability

I’m posting the July Special early, because things are about to get even busier, with less predictable internet and phone access. Due to its popularity and my own scheduling with the relocation, I’ve decided to run the $77 email special for one more month. August will feature new specials.

Please note that I will not return any email session answers the last week of June through July 4th. I will still be able to quickly schedule appointments and create invoices via my phone, but we will not have wifi at our new place until June 27th. We have plaster walls, which means phone emails need to remain short to get through. We’ll be back and forth between locations multiple times this coming week, and our schedules will unfold day by day.

Phone and email sessions will resume after the 4th of July. If you have pressing questions, I would suggest getting in the queue soon.

All that said, here’s the monthly special, along with an add-on option:

July 2017 Special

This special remains an experiment since so many people request email support. It can be used for medical intuition, past life work, quick check-in’s, follow-up between sessions, or as a way of addressing your needs sooner than my phone availability would allow. (Do note that I will not be available for phone or email sessions between June 23rd-July 4th. You can schedule and pay for this special during that date range; I just won’t be able to return answers until after July 4th.)

Also, please see below an option invented by one of my clients and now a popular variation, spanning many properties in May and June – a very cool combo, indeed!

20-Minute Email Check-In for $77

Twenty minutes usually covers one or two questions or issues, and it includes my time reading and replying to your email, plus the time spent tuning in and interpreting any intuitive messages I receive, along with providing links (if applicable) for further details and information. If you have more complex questions, you can add time. Available if prepaid on or before July 31, 2017. Depending on how this goes, this special might become a regular offering, but we’ll see, as I prefer life away from the computer.

Please contact me to sign up.

Some clients in May and June opted to combine this email special with the land clearing services I recently announced, and that worked so well that I’m listing this as an option here, too. Essentially, people sent me an address to request a 20-minute email reading about a property they own or considered purchasing, in which I shared my findings and suggestions, and then they requested a property clearing ($77) based on those results. In other words, this worked as an unofficial package for $154. Also available for houses or apartments.


This is a previously unadvertised service, which so many people have found so beneficial that I’ve decided to make it public. This service can be used for:

  • Clearing properties or spaces of negative energies and hostile influences
  • Preparing homes for sale and removing unwanted attachments to old properties
  • Blessing new homes, properties or work spaces
  • Smoothing details of relocation and supporting synchronicity in the search for a new home or office
  • Raising the vibration and increasing the positive influence radius of your home or work space
  • Blessing gardens or public spaces
  • Creating spheres of protection around your environment
  • Dedicating spaces to support certain goals or intentions
  • Creating a healing sanctuary or supporting sacred space

(If it’s not listed but seems related, please contact me for options. This process involves a combination of a Reiki Healing Attunement, Runes, specially determined timing, and any supportive symbols, crystals, etc. depending on the individual situation. It’s more complex and specific than a Reiki Healing Attunement, but that technique forms the foundation of this process.)


$77 per location or specific intention

$200 for 3 locations or intentions (i.e. if you need to sell one property in order to purchase another and also want help finding a new office; if there are multiple properties involved; or if you anticipate needing this service again sometime)



Wednesday, 21 June 2017

The Empowering Truth About Fear: Guest Post by Andrea Cadelli

Who’s Driving The Car? Why do we want things in life and not go after them?  What is holding us back from our heart’s true desires?  The answer is FEAR.  Learning how to deal with this powerful emotion will help us overcome our aversion to risk and courageously pursue life.  I’m going to tell you […]


Happy Summer Solstice!


Some torch lilies in front of sea kale and lunaria for Summer Solstice! Also a Belated Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s out there, and Happy Winter Solstice to my friends Down Under.


Sunday, 18 June 2017

Hidden Secrets of Your Chakras

“The spirit is the life of the body seen from within, and the body the outward manifestation of the life of the spirit – the two being really one.” Carl Jung One of the simplest ways to relieve pain and suffering is to take better care of your chakras. What are your chakras? Your chakras […]


Saturday, 17 June 2017

7 Photos and 7 Days Left at Faery Hof!

A countdown is in effect. We have exactly one week left before the movers take us away from the house and yards we’ve nurtured the past almost five years. Yesterday afternoon, David and I hosted some yard lessons on how to operate his parents’ old lawn mower we’re leaving here, plus I gave a tour of the various herbs, perennials and fruit trees for easier ID. I’m also leaving each house with the map I made for my Permaculture Design Certificate — but with individual fruit and nut trees and shrubs labeled.

Last week, we already moved about half of what we’re taking to the new place, but now it’s crunch time for packing, sorting and figuring how the heck I’m going to get my container garden to the new yard without needing to rent a separate truck just for plants. You can see just some of them below:


Most of the indoor plants moved last week, since they can survive without daily care. On these hot days, containers need frequent attention, though, and many of my containers not pictured are too large for cars. Here’s hoping the movers work some magic, since I convinced them to move my garden if we have room. “Normally, we don’t move living things.” I’m not sure they know what they just agreed to! We’ve got another truck reserved for later in the week just in case … but, goodness, it would be so nice to be done!

Meanwhile, here are six more photos of the yards at Faery Hof and Haus Am See. I’m so relieved all the new renters get along and have already developed some sense of community even beyond the gardens. It turns out they lived two doors apart two blocks from here before, but never officially met until the Faery Referral Network (and prayers and Reiki) connected them all here. These are not my tales to tell, but clearly, there’s a much bigger plan at work! So many perfect fits, synchronicities and obvious blessings all around. 🙂

Enjoy the beauty … these will be some of my very last photos from these yards:


Day Lilies for David


Purple coneflower — echinacea — and magenta yarrow among the irises




Can you spot the damselfly? We’ve had so many this year. (Upper left quadrant)


North Star Cherry tree is almost ready to pick


Various types of milkweed, butterfly plants, and high pollen blooms are lighting up official Monarch Way Station 7849

I’m excited to bring more diversity and edible abundance to our new yard, which, like the indoor space, will be very different from here. So nice to know this place will carry on in Goshen. I’ve been touched by how important this garden has become to locals — as well as blog readers. Thank you for all the encouragement and support throughout this labor of love!

Blessed Be … and be the blessing. 🙂


What Are You Transforming Through Your Pain?

“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.” Ernest Hemingway Years ago I went to the dentist for what I thought would be a routine cleaning. “You need caps on two of your teeth,” the receptionist informed me when I went to pay. “If you come back tomorrow we’ll give […]


Friday, 16 June 2017

Medical Intuitive Reading of Jeff Sessions

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” Mother Theresa This is a medical intuitive reading of Jeff Sessions, attorney general of the United States, conducted on June 15, 2017 with my good friend Maxine Taylor.   It is important for me to say that in order to access accurate intuitive information, […]


Thursday, 15 June 2017

Two Links: Cat & Kaehler and Zany Mystic and Timothy Glenn

I’m still spending most of my time off blog, but I wanted to share some links that I know many readers will find inspirational and supportive.

The first is a vulnerable blog post by Catherine Grace O’Connell, sharing details about her own abusive childhood and younger adulthood, as well as the new podcast/talk radio show she’s co-hosting with Kathy Kaehler. You can find the article here. I know many readers and clients have tried to put the pieces together after sexual abuse and/or alcoholic parents. Cat & Kaehler’s new show focuses on redefining and empowering women over 50 by sharing the inspirational voices of women who’ve broken through their victimhood and ageism and into fabulous and inspiring lives. The podcast happens on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. Pacific or 2 p.m. Eastern.

The second announcement is for all the Timothy Glenn fans out there. His articles are always so popular on this blog, so I wanted to share the link to his recent return to A Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic.

I’ve not had time to listen to either of these programs, but I know many Lyme survivors have found great encouragement through Catherine’s story. The Fierce Fifty Campaign reaches out beyond the Lyme community to women over fifty and also to Millennials — so it’s a great bridging of women celebrating all ages. Tim and Zany (Lance White) always have great on air chemistry, so I’m sure this show will delight anyone who has enjoyed their many previous chats.

OK, back to sessions, packing and sorting … I wasn’t going to post others’ announcements, but I know these two have particular spots in readers’ hearts.


Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Wild Rides Continue & June Energy Update: Karmic Relationships with Lee Harris

A VERY important message from Lee (and I agree wholeheartedly with Tania’s comments, as she and I have been discussing this for awhile). Also, Londoners, please note that Lee will be there June 19th. With all the recent assaults on collective and individual consciousness over there, I’m glad that Lee will be stopping in London to bring some peace, clearing and lighter energies. Sending love to all …

Tania Marie's Blog

I’m going to keep this short, but it felt really important to at least touch in on, along with energetically, as there is such a dramatic contrast of energy in the world being experienced right now from really challenging to really incredible and not much in between. The challenging things are really coming from the stuff that was brushed away, what was deemed unnecessary to deal with because temporary pacifiers seemed to work to suppress it or distract you, or were thought to be beneath you as a “light worker” (for lack of a better term) if you felt you rose above it. The shadow is biting back hard and the more we deny, the worse it hurts.

We all go through this at one time or another and it’s only up to us what we are ready to embrace.

Unfortunately, some of the teachings out there that have been…

View original post 363 more words


Monday, 12 June 2017

Some Announcements

Just a note to say that while I am still doing sessions for the rest of this month, with all the relocation tasks, I likely will not be blogging much, if at all. Perhaps a few quick photos or announcements as I have time or feel led. We moved the first half of our stuff this past weekend, including 2/3 of the houseplants, and it was a full weekend event. Whew! Lots of work and lots more to come. Thanks again to our superhero friend Tim, aka T-Bird, for all the above and beyond help this weekend. Also, a special shout out to Heather, who helped us on a very hot Saturday morning and got in a great visit, too.

Given the emails I continue to receive, I do want to remind people of the June Special and alternate option/add-on, described here. I don’t know if I will keep email sessions on the menu after June or July; however, they are much easier for me to fit in and around moving tasks, so this popular item is available for now anyway.

The renovations at the new house are coming along, as is the garden planning and groundhog eviction project, which is now seven layers deep and wide in scope — from freshly mown hidey hole camouflage to mundane pinwheels and wind chimes on order, to nasty predator scents, to overly fragrant flowers, to shamanic calling of owls and foxes if this guy doesn’t get the pre-garden memo I’ve now sent him daily for the past three weeks. I’ve got an appointment with an arborist scheduled for the neglected trees, along with internet installation and various deliveries and consultations later this month when we actually complete our move.

As mentioned before, we have a lot of moving parts related to this relocation, many of which are not my own considerations, so you can expect a more specific announcement (including actual location) once everything is in place later this summer. For now, I’ll leave you with a couple flower shots from today’s Goshen garden and the reminder that while coaching, intuitive services, Tarot, and Reiki are still available, please do not expect fast response on chatty emails, any promotional blog articles for your projects, or “quick,” free check-in’s.

I opened up the email special in May and June since so many people like to email me questions without scheduling a session. The popularity of this special confirms the demand for it. I’m also thoroughly enjoying the many, many property clearings people have hired me to do in the past month and a half. Apparently, lots of people and places want a huge vibrational lift. These also fit well into my busy schedule, as I can complete them at odd hours and/or specifically timed to coincide with proper Moon and astrological support.

Wishing everyone well in these months of transition. We have a relocation, but I know many others having similarly huge shifts. Blessings on the journey!


(Veronica — above — and snapdragons –below– are both groundhog and deer “repellent.” The verdict’s out on sea kale, but I love this gorgeous, low care, edible ornamental, currently nearing the end of its white flowering stage. The huge lily next to it is getting ready to pop its glorious red blooms any day now.)


Stay cool and Faery On!



Friday, 9 June 2017

The Third Annual Grow Your Own Food Summit

I don’t have any affiliation with this Summit, but it’s always a good one: the Third Annual Grow Your Own Food Summit. This year focuses on growing food in your own yard with as little effort as possible, as well as getting your kids involved in growing. More details and free signup here.

For anyone who wonders what growing your own food has to do with Medical Intuition and the other “more spiritual services” I offer: plenty! It gives you the freshest produce, control over what goes into your body, beauty, and the chance to connect with and observe Nature in ways most people forget to do in our busy lives.

Hundreds of years ago, the Goddess of Sovereignty and the Goddess of the Land were one and the same. Kings received their right to rule based on how well they honored the Land. The story of the Fisher King and the Wasteland springs from this ancient myth. How different would our world look today if those in power needed to prove themselves to the Land? How different would our world be if each of us reclaimed a little echo of Sovereignty — of our right to connect with Nature, our bodies and local, organic food?

The Grow Your Own Food Summit offers steps in that direction. If you have time, I hope you check out some of the free programs.


Planting Paradise

The first summer we lived here — 2013 — this median facing an ugly view required a date with two batteries worth of weed whackers at least three times per week. We’re talking fast growing, out of control weeds on a strip of land with giant holes and rock hard, uneven soil, and an often flooded driveway. It crushed my soul to see this median as we approached our house.

I can barely believe the difference four years makes! This same strip is now a rain garden, bird and butterfly paradise, with serviceberry trees, Robinhood roses, sunflowers, lilies, milkweed, bachelor’s buttons, love in a mist, cosmos, and more. The fragrance alone is worth the trip. Last year, those roses bloomed from late May through the end of November with barely any care. Birds ate the hips this winter and spring.

Don’t ever doubt that you can change the world, one bright spot at a time:






Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Farewell, Sweet Friend!


It’s funny, but of all the the beings, plants, trees, furniture, and decorations we’re leaving behind, I will miss her most. This sweet faery has been with me since 2004 or 2005. She used to have a crystal ball, which almost immediately broke so that she could have a flower full of stones to hold. I don’t even know how many times she’s moved with me — I think 13 moves, including across the country in 2010.

I don’t know her name even after all this time, but she houses an actual faery. Others have seen her essence, too, including a sweet little 1.5 year old named Iris who lived with us for two months before we left Madison. Iris knew her faeries! She could tell from inside a house without being able to see out the window if someone put faery statues outside. When that happened, Iris would point to the window, begging to go out, only to have the adults discover that someone had put out a faery garden statue. (It’s common for gnomes to inhabit garden gnomes, and faeries love to live inside images or statues of themselves.) When she lived with us, Iris made a point of waving to this faery and kissing her goodnight each evening before bed.

In Goshen, my faery friend took up residence in the Northeast corner of our home, on top of one of David’s stereo speakers. When I open or close the curtains and blinds, I acknowledge her, and I periodically thank her for protecting our home and holding the beautiful energy here.

I’m not entirely surprised she has decided to remain here, because last year I tried to move her while redecorating, and she would have none of that! She made it very clear this was her home — and not just this house, but that corner of the house. Fortunately, Linette loves her, so she gets to remain here. I’ll come visit. I’m happy that after 13 moves, this faery finally feels she’s found her home. (After 43 moves, perhaps I will feel the same in our new home.) She says she has found her purpose, anchoring beauty and guarding the faery portal in this lush and unexpected vortex beside train tracks and industries.

Farewell, sweet friend! I will miss you, but I’m glad you’ve found your forever home and purpose. Deep respect and gratitude from my heart to yours in this bittersweet goodbye.
