Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Two Links and an Observation

Thanks to Cindy for this wonderful, Faery Tale Wisdom about today’s world, called 2016: Year of the Serpent. This link is well worth a read by anyone who enjoys and/or respects the power of Story to provide deep awakening and understanding, as well as by anyone upset or confused about things like Brexit, Donald Trump, or the increased vitriol that plagues contemporary Western society.

The above link may be enough for people who already feel led to remove themselves from the fray and get back to creating a more positive reality in the here and now, in both tangible and spiritual ways — sometimes quite literally from the ground up by starting gardens and planting fruit trees. If instead of trees, you find yourself firmly planted in one shouting and rioting camp or another, then the next links will help you shake loose of the Left/Right shackles so you can reclaim your own opinions beyond propaganda and reclaim your own agency beyond government, media or their corporate sponsors telling you what to believe.

Thanks to Bo for sending me one of Sane Progressive’s videos. Perhaps her youtube channel will bring some palatable good sense and a strong dose of truth to both sides in this increasingly polarized atmosphere, fomented by a war-loving media and its “fund both sides of every war” backers. If you cannot bring yourself even to consider that maybe, just possibly, people on what you think of as the “other” side have at least some valid points, then I hope “Sane Progressive” can get through to you. Here’s the link to her excellent channel.

People don’t seem to realize how easily Color Revolutions are begun and co-opted — and few people seem to ponder what happens if such violent, dehumanizing talk moves into Civil War. Those refugees people are arguing over? They’re fleeing Civil Wars begun by Color Revolutions, most of which began as genuine protests turned funded riots. If you think this only happens in Africa and the Middle East, then take a look at these before and after photos of Kiev. That war began with grandmothers.

Please recognize the humanity and consider the possible intelligence and real concerns of people with whom you disagree. Odds are you have much more in common with your neighbors and relatives than you realize. Divided we fall. Seek points of connection so that you can build real relationships to address actual solutions. The level of collective brainwashing in Western Society is beyond astounding, especially since 9/11. In this time of awakening, we’ll get a lot further by searching behind the smoke and mirrors than by trying to start wars with each other.

If you prefer not to look beyond the veil and instead focus on the world you do want to create, that’s fine. But please, please, please focus on the actual aspects and qualities of that preferred world rather than inviting and encouraging war. There’s a big difference between consciously empowered action and rioting (or calls for others to riot); between power to and power over; between tough love and projected rage/grief/denial; between individuals and group-think; between organic populist movements and the Bankers Manifesto of 1892. We live in a world where “corporations are people,” and yet so many good-hearted souls are fighting each other instead of creating alternatives to the corporations and governments rapaciously devouring our environment, bank accounts, relationships, and freedoms.

If you want a new world, don’t just demand it from someone else! Search yourself and find one small step you can take today to bring that new world into being. Just one, tiny action towards your preferred reality, towards the life that you would love to live. Now, do it! And continue taking steps until that preferred reality manifests. As Tolkien said, “Little by little one travels far.” You will find your true tribe by becoming yourself.


source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/31/two-links-and-an-observation/

12 Principles of Success for Holistic Entrepreneurs

My dear friend Suzanne Dulin, owner at Heart+Mind Yoga and the Sadhana Catalog and Community, has asked me to present a FREE streaming online seminar on how to run a successful business as a holistic entrepreneur. You can join us LIVE on Zoom.us on Monday, Feb. 6, at 9 p.m. at this link: https://zoom.us/j/436550965 Although I have […]
Source: http://catherinecarrigan.com/12-principles-of-success-for-holistic-entrepreneurs/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/01/31/12-principles-of-success-for-holistic-entrepreneurs/

Monday, 30 January 2017

Quick Updates and Tree Love

Just a few updates on a sunshine and snow filled day!

It’s Good to be Alive, Right About Now

For most people I know, 2017 got off to a slow start, but then the forward momentum snapped like a rubber band. Lots of people, myself included, started new creative projects, and others have redecorated or embraced cleaner, higher vibration foods, as well as new exercise programs. I’ve lost track of how many people started rebounding after I wrote about it in my “Shaking Up the Energies” post. Bouncing, especially to fun and/or sacred music, really does get that lymph flowing and gives stagnation the old heave-ho.

The following Andy Grammer song sums up the shift of energies for so many people, and, coincidentally, this would be great for some dance-rebounding. 😉

New Book in the Works:

Completing my Permaculture Design Certificate also opened space for me to begin a long anticipated book project with Catherine Grace O’Connell. We’re co-authoring a book on recovering from Lyme Disease, and I finally got to start on my end the second week of January. We’ve now got a working outline, lots of notes and some chapters already written. We’re both looking forward to this joint project, which addresses healing Lyme Disease in ways we’ve not seen done before.

I’ll be sharing the concepts and techniques I’ve find most effective in helping my first husband recover from Lyme Disease, as well as the many, many Lyme clients I’ve helped since posting my “Healing Lyme Disease” article in 2009. Catherine will follow each of my explanations with stories of how she personally interpreted and embraced each step and how that played out in her own healing. We have no idea when we’ll finish the project, but my cosmic scheduler and muse must have both heard my oft repeated intentions to make January a writing month. Things are flowing well!

Kalamazoo Birch Grove and Imbolc Blessings

David and I have continued our fun adventures in Kalamazoo. We go there so often, we kind of feel like we live there — dining at all the vegan friendly restaurants, getting fresh juice (at the Earth Fare juice happy hour!), shopping at the wealth of organic and health foods stores, and enjoying bookstores and music galore. We love it all, but especially the trees. On January 21st, on our one month wedding anniversary, we found a powerful birch grove tucked away in Fray’s Park:


Birch is symbolized by the BAR or Berkano Rune, representing new beginnings, rebirth, Mother energy, hidden secrets, healing, fertility, nourishment, and creativity. I have long loved birch trees, as testified by this 2012 post that goes more in depth on birch, Runes, and the chaga mushroom that often grows on birch trees. The day we found Fray’s Park, it was an unseasonably delightful 62 degrees in Michigan, making this grove feel even more like spring. I was so happy, I literally kissed a tree:


Trees provide us with so much love in the form of clean air, beauty, wisdom, and grounding. Sometimes they need a good hug and kiss in gratitude. As we enter Imbolc week — traditionally celebrated anywhere between January 31-February 2, and with the exact crossquarter day of February 3 this year — I felt led to post some birch, the tree associated with Imbolc. I wish you all fresh starts, clean energy and new beginnings!

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/30/quick-updates-and-tree-love/

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Ode to the Rooster

I need to share this post, too. Powerful stories! Thank you, Dana. David and I were talking last night about the importance and power of Story as ways of comforting each other and summoning courage and creative understanding and solutions. This is my favorite of all your marvelous posts! Happy Year of the Rooster!

The Druid's Garden

The Chinese New Year is now being celebrated, and it is once again the Year of the Rooster. I see this as a tremendously positive and powerful sign–a message of light and hope in this time of darkness. In honor of the rooster, I offer two stories that demonstrate how powerful and protective the rooster is–and how the rooster’s energy this year can lend us power and strength to drive back the dark. So now, pull up a chair by the fire, and hear two stories of roosters and their magic.

Painting of Anasazi Rooster Painting of Anasazi Rooster

As I mentioned a few blog posts ago, a group of us held an all night vigil for the winter solstice.  This is not an easy ritual–it is about 15 hours of darkness, in the cold months of the year. Our ritual started well enough: we had a glorious sunset, a lovely ceremony, a…

View original post 2,293 more words

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/29/ode-to-the-rooster/

Imbolg: the constancy of change, and the ‘end-of-history’ illusion

As we approach Imbolc, the next turn of the Wheel of the Year, I enjoyed Dr. Sharon Blackie’s additional history of this festival, as well as her important musing on change. Indeed, the times they are a’changing. It helps to root to the cycles of the Earth, which do continue their cycle regardless of who does what in the news or otherwise.

Imbolc is often celebrated sometime between January 31st and February 2nd. This year, the actual crossquarter day (when the Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius) falls on Friday, February 3rd. Anyone interested in hearth and home, inspiration, metal working (including jewelry), healing, poetry, wells and/or fire might find this week a lovely time to make a Brigid’s cross, light a candle, clean house, or just connect in gratitude. Wherever you are and whatever you celebrate this week, Blessed Be!

The Art of Enchantment

Imbolg, sometimes written as Imbolc, is probably derived from the Irish word bolg, for ‘belly’, so meaning ‘in the belly’; it has also been speculated that it might come from the word oimelc, meaning ‘ewe’s milk’.  (And please note: contrary to what many helpful sites on the web try to tell you, you don’t pronounce the ‘b’: the word is pronounced ‘i-molg’.) Imbolg is one of the festivals known as ‘cross-quarter days’; it comes midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Although it’s sometimes called St Brigid’s Day, or Lá Fhéile Bríde, this festival is ancient, and predates the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. It’s likely to have been associated with the old goddess Brigid, who was later appropriated into the new religion.

View original post 1,088 more words

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/29/imbolg-the-constancy-of-change-and-the-end-of-history-illusion/

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Could One of Your Kidneys Save Somebody’s Life?

This year, 4,500 may die waiting for a kidney transplant. Could one of your kidneys save somebody’s life? While we can give our money, volunteer our time and contribute to the well being of others through prayer, one of the major ways to make a significant difference is to donate a kidney to someone waiting […]
Source: http://catherinecarrigan.com/could-one-of-your-kidneys-save-somebodys-life/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/01/26/could-one-of-your-kidneys-save-somebodys-life/

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Integration Lifetimes and the Splitting of the Worlds

With polarization still vying for so much attention, this 2014 article on Integration Lifetimes wants a repost. If you have Chronic Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue or TBI, you are for sure on an Integration Lifetime. If you experienced massive trauma at a very young age, you’re likely on an Integration Lifetime. If you just don’t fit into ANY group, political party or religion, you might very well be on an Integration Lifetime. Earth Herself is pushing for integration, so even if you’re not personally on an Integration Lifetime, by virtue of being here, now, you feel the dynamics.

Integration remains one of the most challenging concepts for most people. If you need help along the journey, please feel free to contact me. Life beyond that core resistance is miraculous and magical. Radiant and healed.

Laura Bruno's Blog

I keep thinking about Inelia Benz’s recent post, “The Splitting of the Worlds –Coming to a planet near You!” , urging people to consider an option besides simple light or dark … positive or negative. According to Inelia — and I had previously written about this, too:

“The physical separation is really up on the human collective mind right now. I would say, for now, just observe it.

“As I observe it, and this is something that is coming out in the Interview with a Psychic Assassin book, there is a third option manifesting. It’s is so outside of our reality scale that it needs to be observed.

“Basically, light and dark can and do exist without the other. In fact, that’s the only way they can exist. We can see both because there is both existing separately from each other in our world. There is also a reality where…

View original post 2,164 more words

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/25/integration-lifetimes-and-the-splitting-of-the-worlds/

Medical Intuitive Reading of Donald Trump

My dear friend Maxine Taylor, Georgia’s first licensed astrologer, Amazon No. 1 bestselling author and host of Move Into the Magic radio show, asked me to do a medical intuitive reading of Donald Trump, our 45th U.S. president. This medical intuitive reading will not comment on politics but help you have a deeper understanding of […]
Source: http://catherinecarrigan.com/medical-intuitive-reading-of-donald-trump/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/01/25/medical-intuitive-reading-of-donald-trump/

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Mindful Magic

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/24/mindful-magic/

Guest Post: Sustainable Gardening by Susan M. Varlamoff

Note from Catherine Carrigan: Many people forget that our environment is the most powerful factor in determining our health. I have worked with countless clients who have had severe health reactions due to the ongoing use of pesticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals in their lawns and gardens. The more we learn how to embrace […]
Source: http://catherinecarrigan.com/guest-post-sustainable-gardening-by-susan-m-varlamoff/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/01/24/guest-post-sustainable-gardening-by-susan-m-varlamoff/

Monday, 23 January 2017

Reiki 2 Certification Class in Goshen

I have scheduled the next Reiki Level 2 class for the Goshen/Michiana area. This class will be held at the my office/ the blue house next door, which has two double bed guest rooms available for out of town students who need accommodations. Goshen is 2-3 hours from Chicagoland, depending on your exact location, 40 minutes east of South Bend, just a bit south of the Michigan border.

Reiki Level 2 Certification Class in Goshen, IN

Sunday, March 5, 2017, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

This interactive class includes:

• Reiki Level 2 Attunement.
• Experiencing Reiki energy.
• Discussion of 21-day cleanse.
• Establishing a Reiki practice.
• Different qualities of Reiki energy
• Techniques for replacing addictions and bad habits with better ones.
• Clearing rooms & cleaning crystals
• Chakras and healing.
• Mental/Emotional Balance technique
• How to send Reiki thru time & space (long distance healing)
• How to amplify Reiki energy.

At the end of the training, each student will receive a certificate acknowledging completion of Reiki Level 2, as well as recognition as a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner. Taking any Reiki training with me also qualifies each student to audit (at no cost) any additional Reiki classes taught by me, up to and including the level completed with me (space permitting).

Rate: $275 ($250 if prepaid two weeks early.)

Please contact me with questions about Reiki Certification or to sign up for this class.


source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/23/reiki-2-certification-class-in-goshen/

Thursday, 19 January 2017

How to Thrive in a Less Than Ideal Location

Today’s topic arises so many times in coaching sessions that I thought I’d address it here, since it seems more common than not for people to feel misplaced, isolated or otherwise “stuck” in a location other than their heart’s desire. Having lived in 43 homes throughout my life — including many of the most beautiful, stunning spots in the US — and currently living well in a way less than ideal area, I can share both personal and professional tips for creating your best life wherever you are. This is not a “settle for less” post, but rather a list of ways to ensure you receive the most benefit, growth and satisfaction from any given location until you either realize you do love where you live, or you manage to leverage yourself into something much more compatible and preferred.

Create a Sacred Space

The first, easiest and most important step you need to do is to reclaim your environment by creating a sacred space. Sacred means “made or declared holy” and includes the idea of “set apart.” Even if you live in a hovel with Messy McMess, find a corner, mantle, bathroom, nightstand, chair, closet, or room that you can clean, clear, decorate and dedicate to you. Size doesn’t matter. Even a corner of a bookshelf, consciously cleaned and intentionally claimed begins the sympathetic magic process of exerting more of your own energy over an incompatible location.

Once you choose a spot, you’ll attract opportunities to charm and enhance other areas. Instead of feeling oppressed by your environment, your field of influence grows and transmutes your surroundings. “As Within, So Without” very often begins with one tiny external shift.


Above, you can see an Element Altar, hidden in plain view, right in the center of our home. This little spot has featured different objects over the years, but I created it from Day One in order to honor the Elements — Earth, Air, Fire, and Water — in our home, celebrating and respecting Nature front and center in a region of the country that defiantly does not.

I’m an artist, so I know the power of color and symbols to shape space (and reality). Our home is filled with painted portal doors, crystals, plants, handcrafted furniture and loads of books, which I find both grounding and uplifting. Orgonite also radically heals, grounds and changes the energy of a sick, depressed or EMF filled location. I’m fortunate that David and I have similar tastes, and he indulges my penchant for feng shui. I’ve lived with people who did not appreciate such things, though, and that situation makes it even more important to claim some small spot as your very own sacred space.

If you really have no room for an altar or sitting room and no money for crystals and orgonite, then say a prayer, go outside and look for some kind of talisman to trigger your imagination’s flight to a secret, sacred space. It might be a twig that symbolically connects you to the roots and branches of a tree — or to the Faery Realm. It might be a rock you keep in your pocket, which transports you as a literal Touchstone to an alternate reality. If you have relics from a journey to somewhere you dearly love, you can also use these pieces as tactile objects that open sacred space within your memory and imagination.

Whatever you find, receive it with gratitude. Even a few moments in sacred space can begin to recharge you and provide ideas for creating even more sacredness in your home. In my case, that little Element Altar has expanded throughout most of our house, across two abundantly beautiful and productive yards, and into a second house next door that eventually presented itself for a writing office, classroom, gathering space and guesthouse. Everyone who enters that house feels the power of color and a womb-like nurturing and peace, and this “public” house has also had the effect of making our own home much more private.

Many people around town know our yards, because they stand out so much from their surroundings. Others have great difficulty finding the yards and houses, because the vibration of our sacred space has now diverged so much from our surroundings that we exist in an alternate Universe. No exaggeration. This shift happened by desire, design and action, which in turn fueled greater desire, visions and creation.

Put Down Roots to Open Pathways

It sounds counterintuitive to put down roots somewhere you do not wish to stay; however, we live in a vibrational Universe. If you wish to align with somewhere that does feel like home, then metaphorical or literal roots anchor you to the vibration of feeling grounded and rooted.


This yard used to be the most depressing, uninviting mess of forlorn stumps, invasive species, bald “lawn,” and discarded junk. Again, no exaggeration. The neatly lined pathways utilized a pile of busted up concrete from the apartment next door, and they now house perennial flowers, shrubs and edibles, creating curves and swirls in an otherwise angular region.

If your location fails to reflect your inner being, then accept the challenge to express yourself in bigger, deeper ways. Make friends with locals, especially if you want to leave. You don’t need a lot of friends in your area, but become friendlier with at least a token one or two people so that you honor the vibrations of hospitality and harmony. I’ve encountered some of the most amazing people hidden away in the least likely spots on the planet. Deprivation can enhance appreciation, just like a meal with nutrients you need tastes unbelievably delicious.

Another term for medicinal weeds like dandelion, plantain, dock, comfrey and thistles is “pioneer species.” In permaculture, we recognize how their deep taproots heal disturbed, compacted, unhealthy land. Living in an inhospitable location forces you to shrivel up and die, or to grow long, strong roots. (I recommend the latter.) When you can’t find soul nourishment on the surface, your deep taproot extends far beyond your comfort zone, resulting in extreme depth, strength and resilience. Most people who live somewhere they wish they could leave try to avoid taking root, but forging your way into the Underworld helps you develop skills and power you never knew you needed. Once reclaimed, those skills and powers open pathways to worlds you never knew existed.

If You Don’t Like the View, Then Change Your Perspective

You need to “adjust your attitude.” Easier said than done, right? Yeah, but here’s the key, “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” Cover as many signs of ugliness as you possibly can. Below, you can see the morning glories and decorative trellises that extend our inside outward, providing even stronger shifts between sacred and profane. Lucky jade and a collection of gorgeous, air purifying indoor plants line the window sill and act as a further privacy shield and room divider with indoor blooms and attractive natural lines.


You can use this principle to shift ANYTHING. If you don’t like the sounds, then play music you love — in earbuds if you can’t play it out loud. If you don’t like smells, then break out the HEPA filters and essential oils. If you can’t stand your old couch but can’t afford a new one, check out Freecycle.org or throw a colorful blanket or slipcover over it. If your local restaurants don’t cater to your own dietary needs and preferences, then take this opportunity to become the most amazing cook.

By shifting the focus and energy from deprivation to abundant preference, you reassert yourself as a vibrational match for those preferences. Having and experiencing more joy and compatibility open doors to having and experiencing even more joy and compatibility. Don’t get stuck on the idea that these are only “surface changes.” We create as we observe. If you want something, then it really helps to bring at least a token of that something into your daily experience.

Find Your Why

We live in a vibrational Universe, but also in a world of contrasts. Sometimes creative, loving, and high vibe people get “strategically placed” in areas that need huge energetic help. People who carry the vibration of beautiful, amenities-rich, resort-like places often arrive like “seed bombs” in areas of extreme deprivation. When a population has experienced generational poverty of money, spirit and/or imagination, unspecified longings for something more often magnetize cultural creatives to that location. These people feel mysteriously led to live in these locations, or external forces seem to trap them there. Many clients in this situation ask me — in all seriousness — if they’re cursed or doomed to live somewhere they despise.

Recognizing a greater purpose and balance to your situation allows for faster embracing of it, which decreases resistance to moving along to something better. It seems easy to rail against contrast; however, that disharmony only makes you more of a match for a disharmonious location. Remembering the beauty within you and offering it from a place of service lifts your environment into your own vibration, rather than dragging your vibration into the pain or poverty of your environment.


Before leaving beautiful Sonoma County, California, I had six months of dreams explicitly telling me to “move to Northern Indiana with my true love.” Those dreams haunted me enough to get divorced and move halfway across the country, but not enough to jump into flyover territory. I dodged the dreams for three years by living on the shores of Lake Michigan in Chicago and then in lovely Madison, Wisconsin.

But Fate caught up with me in the form of love, when housemate turned partner (and now husband) David cautiously announced he might “need to move to Indiana to help [his] aging parents.” Given my list of previous locations, he expected me to say no, but those dreams had prepared me with a sense of purpose. Without having set foot in Goshen, I agreed to move there: “That’s fine. I knew I’d end up there somehow. You don’t have six months of recurring dreams like that for no reason.” On the surface, it appeared I needed to support David as he supported his parents, but upon moving here, it also became clear this plot of land and really the entire area needed a giant infusion of faery magic.

We came here for service, and we did not expect the vast returns we have received. We’ve nearly completed our mission here, and no, we haven’t always liked it. But we both remain aware and grateful for the massive shedding and growth we’ve experienced in Goshen. Dozens of posts could not fully describe the layers of benefits, enhancements and deep capacity for appreciation we’ve developed in this crucible. The pressure and shredding of old beliefs and self conceptions (11:11 as I type this) have alchemized into things we could not previously imagine. We’ve each earned and learned volumes of knowledge we would not have even known to research. We have honed awareness of what we do and do not want, and we continue to explore and clarify new and forgotten aspects of ourselves as we shift our energies towards our intended new life together.

If Earth Feels Like the Wrong Location …

Given the challenges we face as a nation, culture and planet, I know that many people feel that Earth Herself is “the wrong location.” If you find yourself longing for a vastly different world or experience, all these same tips apply. We live in a multi-dimensional world of incredible variety and opportunity. Watch for unexpected openings. This portal within a portal — sunlight through a lemon tree whose blossoms synchronously participated in a phone session — appeared for just a few moments, as a client and I discussed Sufism, swirling dances and the incredible quantum entanglement of our reality:


It was a quiet yet stunning illustration of that very connection we were then discussing. A lemon blossom fell off the tree and exploded in fragrant midair just as I suggested my client could pull apart the building blocks of a health issue and recreate them as something new by using skills she had learned as a Sufi. Right after I mentioned this moment as a portal and snapped a photo, the light changed, and that particular portal disappeared. Someone who walked into that room at any other moment would not have seen or felt the portal, and I know I’m not doing it justice here.

My point is: portals exist. Touchstones, vibrational shifts, sympathetic magic, true Love and real Light shine through in the strangest moments. When you feel stuck, lighten up. Give the Universe a chance to light YOU up. I’ll leave you with one of my favorite montages from two who “got” it:


source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/19/how-to-thrive-in-a-less-than-ideal-location/

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Why Writers Suck at Proofreading, Excuse 383

Today I could avoid myself no longer and finished (a.k.a. gave up on) proofreading the formatted version of my seventh book, What Is Social Media Today: Keywords, Hashtags and You, Oh My! Writers suck at proofreading. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Having had plenty of unproductive hours to come up with further excuses, […]
Source: http://catherinecarrigan.com/why-writers-suck-at-proofreading-excuse-383/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/01/19/why-writers-suck-at-proofreading-excuse-383/

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Door Number 17 ~ Elen of the Ways

I create each portal door with very specific local or personal intentions, but it always amazes me how those doors take on a life of their own, lending themselves to larger concerns as time or the door evolves. I painted this “Elen of the Ways” door for “Sustainable Sovereignty” regarding a local situation back in 2014. (It worked here, btw … so well that it left people marveling at the synchronicities and unusual openings.)

It strikes me that we’re at a similar point of tension in the world right now. On the one hand, we’ve got governments run amok, trouncing on rights, privacy, and basic human dignity, often manipulating the masses through humanity’s inherent kindness and desire”to do the right thing.” On the other hand, we’ve got so many simultaneous ecological crises happening that I wouldn’t even know where to begin listing them.

How do we find our way through all the different layers and levels? How do we activate kindness and caring in those who have forgotten their way? How do we balance the rights of the oppressed and the oppressors? Can we find TRUE balance and harmony instead of just flipping oppressed and oppressor? Can we each shift away from “power over” and find and embrace new ways of “power to”? How do we invoke and evoke leadership that protects the Land while also honoring the People of the Land?

I’ve seen 4:44 for months now, and I even “fell” into this door a few months ago, letting me know the portal to Sustainable Sovereignty is re-opening for more than our local situation. Today, I pray for similar miracles on the national and international levels. May we each open our own portals to that healed and healing world that already exists in perfect form, just waiting for us to believe, love and nurture it into being. The Rumi quote on this door comes from this poem:


The intellect says: “The six directions are limits: there is no way out.”
Love says: “There is a way: I have traveled it thousands of times.”
The intellect saw a market and started to haggle:
Love saw thousands of markets beyond that market.
Lovers who drink the dregs of the wine reel from bliss to bliss:
The dark-hearted men of reason
Burn inwardly with denial.
The intellect says, “Do not go forward, annihilation contains only thorns.”
Love laughs back: “The thorns are in you.”
Enough words! Silence!
Pull the thorn of existence out of the heart! Fast!
For when you do you will see thousands of rose gardens in yourself.


Laura Bruno's Blog

As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, there have been times in my life when I’ve faced problems so tricky, so “impossible” that the only way out was in. Deeeeeep inside, through the inner rabbit hole, through the spiral and out the newly created portal. In those days, I’d paint a door, and you know what? It worked.

For the past three “doors,” I’ve taken to canvases that portray some sort of doorway or entry point — still portals, but not painted on actual doors. I usually select a local or personal issue as the initial point of need or emotional spark, but then I create the portals as offerings for how such issues play out across the world. “As Within, So Without,” and “As Above, So Below.” I’ve painted portals for healing Lyme Disease, for welcoming a return of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

View original post 1,499 more words

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/17/door-number-17-elen-of-the-ways-2/

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Finding Our Way

In this week of gathering tension in the US and elsewhere, this November 2015 post wants to go up again. If you’re feeling strongly yanked one way or the other, please do take moments to center yourself, and also please click through to some of the posts and resources mentioned in “Finding Our Way.”

I especially want to alert new readers and remind those who’ve read here over the years that the Bankers Manifesto of 1892 remains in effect. (You can find a link in my post, and I will also link again in the comments. This is so important to know at this time. All is not as it appears.) Those who wish to stay in control spin both sides of every divisive narrative, every divisive issue, and every divisive religious war. They profit from wars of all sorts, and by keeping us fighting each other, they successfully utilize smoke and mirrors to herd us into ever tighter restrictions. Those who most love progressive values would be wise to engage those who most resist those values. Let each side exchange information, not to become the same, but to find who’s best at which things, so that together, we can breathe.

I know many people plan to disrupt the Inauguration with protests, riots, even with calls for assassination. I ask people to pause and return to your own center. Where do your actions lead? Is “Civil” war really an answer? Is it the one you most desire? Can we each channel our energy into actions that lead in the directions we most desire? Can we each take one step this week TOWARDS something we prefer rather than railing against things over which we have little influence? Our strongest influence springs from LOVE. What would you love to expand in your life and in this world? What tiny (or large) action can you take this week to increase the odds of El Mundo Bueno expanding its reach?

Laura Bruno's Blog

On first glance, the next three links  and video might seem completely unrelated; however, taken together, they form a mosaic of awareness, compassion and navigation for these troubled, yet high potential times. I’ll give a quick intro of each link. Please click through as you feel led. These links will likely find more resonance with those from Europe, the UK or with European heritage, but anyone can extrapolate for his or her own culture and ancestry.

Uniquely You, Divinely One

This is a post from February 2013, but it holds increasing relevance today as questions of cultural identity move into front lines of discussion. In addition to exploring a beautiful painting by dear friend and artist Tania Marie, I draw examples from permaculture and monoculture as ways of looking at human culture, global awareness, and “sustainability.”

I also briefly discuss how Runes and a burgeoning Folk Movement were successfully perverted…

View original post 975 more words

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/15/finding-our-way-2/

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Winter Greens and my PDC

Just two quick updates here:

  1. Yes, the gardens continue to produce in mid-January. We’ve had such weird weather here, ranging from minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit a couple weeks ago to 56(!) degrees last night. Between row covers and snow, the kale, miner’s lettuce, chard, and mustard are all still providing us with the tastiest of very fresh greens. I snuck out between rainstorms yesterday afternoon to harvest these yums for dinner and smoothies. I wouldn’t eat the chard raw, since it’s a little mushy, especially the stems, but when cooked, this frostbitten chard tastes unbelievably rich and chewy. One of our favorites!


2. It’s official: I completed my Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) and am now qualified to offer permaculture consultations, help individuals and communities design permaculture setups, and also teach permaculture related workshops. In order to teach the full PDC, I would need more training and an apprenticeship, because that course covers a massive amount of material; however, I’m qualified and open to teaching smaller, more focused workshops for people who want to learn about permaculture before committing to the time and money associated with learning the full spectrum of permanent agriculture and permanent culture.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/12/winter-greens-and-my-pdc/

3 Keys to Manifest Your Goals

As you set your intentions for the coming year, you can do a better job of manifesting what you truly desire by asking yourself three questions. What do you really want to have in your life? In order to have what you want, who do you have to be? Finally, what do you need to do differently? According to  data […]
Source: http://catherinecarrigan.com/3-keys-to-manifest-your-goals/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/01/12/3-keys-to-manifest-your-goals/

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Shaking up the Energies

Many people I know felt a sudden upsurge of fresh, benevolent energy as Mercury turned Direct on January 8th. In fact, all planets will remain Direct until February 6, 2017, which means these next few weeks offer strong forward momentum with no extra planetary resistance. Good times, but what happens when you find yourself in such auspicious astrology with lots of internal resistance? Today’s post is for those people I’ve heard from who feel stagnant, bored, full of ennui, or plagued by a major case of “The Should’s.” If you feel like you should feel better or more inspired but just don’t here are some tips for shaking up the energies.

The Mary Poppins Principle

“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and, snap, the job’s a game.” When life feels stagnant it means it’s time to do something fun or to tackle a project you have been procrastinating. Both things can rejuvenate you out of any kind of funk. Experiment with treating yourself before and/or after a big task to see which works best for you. Sometimes you don’t feel motivated because you actually do need a break. As Mary Poppins says, “A lark, a spree, it’s very clear to see … that a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go down…” .

If you can’t remember the last time you allowed for adventure and delight, then go window shopping, rock climbing, or tea rooming. Treat yourself to a massage. Redecorate instead of cleaning. Plan a weekend (or afternoon) getaway.

If you routinely separate “work” and “play,” find ways to bring a little play into your work. Hate doing tax prep? Make a ridiculously elegant and nurturing time of it — music, scents, colors. Personally, I henna my hair and do at home spa dates whenever I need to move through paperwork. Combining sybaritic delight with drudgery lifts those tasks into something I know I will enjoy. People stuck on creative projects often find that changing location — coffee shop instead of office — or even taking a cat nap loosens perspective and brings a fresh flow of ideas and solutions. Find the fun, and snap, the job’s a game. Or at the very least more interesting!

Make Procrastination Work for You

We live in a society that shames procrastination, but you can totally make it work for you. The secret is to have many, many things on your to do list. You can procrastinate things so many layers deep that you can procrastinate something else by doing something on that same list! Best of both worlds: feel like you’re getting away with something sneaky while also getting something done.

Only David knows how often we’ve gotten a spotlessly clean and organized house, drawers and closets instead of a newsletter I didn’t feel like writing. People often marvel at how much I’ve accomplished in our yard or in other areas of life. For me, the secret is maintaining a very long list of projects, interests, wish lists, and to-do’s so that I feel flexibility and choice yet still get things done.

One key to this method: every once in awhile, you will need to set yourself a very firm deadline and reward for finishing something big. Otherwise, you can end up never completing projects. You can bribe yourself with getting to begin a much desired something new only after checking off the something old.

It also helps to check in with yourself to see if you really want to do the thing you find it so difficult to get yourself to do. Does the lack of motivation signal a lack of interest? Or do you need to inject more fun into less exotic steps towards a truly desired goal?

Die hard procrastinators might also appreciate S. J. Scott’s book, “Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes that Take Five Minutes or Less”: One Routine + Multiple Habits = Habit Stacking . While multitasking can slow people down and make them less effective at the individual tasks, habit stacking combines habits that don’t require much thought so that you end up accomplishing exponentially more in autopilot mode. It’s kind of like the permaculture idea of “stacking functions” applied to your life instead of your yard.

Get Moving

Mental, emotional, and spiritual levels don’t just affect the physical. With everything interconnected, you can also influence emotions, mental and spiritual processes by addressing the physical level.

Great poets often composed their best poetry while walking, which mimicked the rhythm of iambic pentameter and provided fresh scenery and oxygen to the brain. Rebounding also works great if you have a mini trampoline. I rebound all winter to get the lymph flowing. I particularly love rebounding to sacred chants, thus moving energy in multiple ways at the same time. My favorite CD’s for chanty-dancy-bouncing include: Krishna Das’ “Pilgrim Heart,” M.C. Yogi’s various hip-hop chants, Aykanna, or any number of compilations. I also love “Enter the Center” by Abigail Spinner McBride, which gets me groovin’ and tuned into the Earth and Sky in English instead of Hindi or Sanskrit.

Rebounding has so many health benefits, and moving that stagnant lymph energizes on several levels at once. I love rebounding so much I wrote about it way back in 2012. If you have access to other forms of exercise at this time of year, treat your body to some movement, in whatever form calls to you. Dancing feels especially freeing and creative, but hikes, biking, kundalini yoga, or even water aerobics can get that stagnant energy moving again, which then makes other areas of life that much easier to move through, too.

Another powerful physical movement includes making small, conscious feng shui cures in your home. I often suggest David Daniel Kennedy’s “Feng Shui Tips for Better Life,” because he really distills complex ideas into simple tasks. Feng shui works with Chi, or the energy that pervades all of life. Blocked energy in our homes can create blocks in our lives, and sometimes, it’s much easier to move a crystal, install a small mirror, or add a plant than it is to manifest an entirely new career or relationship. Funny thing, though: once that stagnant energy gets moved in your home, opportunities appear in your life.

Allow Yourself to Ask for Help

If you still feel stumped, blocked, stagnant, or otherwise uninspired, don’t be afraid to ask for help. I created this month’s Coaching and Reiki Bundle to bring guidance, clarity and energetic support to people seeking the change that’s also seeking them. We all go through periods of growth and processing. I personally love learning new skills via books and living a DIY lifestyle, but sometimes feelings of stagnation indicate our soul’s longing to reach a level beyond what we could on our own. Or more efficiently than our own tools currently facilitate. Our souls and minds want to grow, just as our bodies and emotions want to heal.

Ask yourself if January’s malaise is really tomorrow’s freedom and joy knocking on your consciousness. Have you outgrown your old life? What new version of you awaits release?

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/10/shaking-up-the-energies/

Thursday, 5 January 2017

FAQ: What Kind of Coaching Do You Provide?

I don’t know if it’s that fresh 2017 energy or the January Special, but lately I’ve received multiple requests to clarify what I offer in terms of Life Coaching. After answering so many people at the end of intuitive sessions, I decided to expand and clarify the coaching description on my site. For anyone else wondering, here’s more information:

Life Coaching can closely focus on one particular issue or life transition, or it can morph into more of a mentorship on personal energy management, living a more magical and inspired life, building or increasing your own business, improving people skills, finding and living a compatible lifestyle for you, managing and moving beyond Lyme disease, discovering and developing your soul’s gifts, and/or enhancing creativity and intuition. I also provide coaching for other life coaches, intuitives and energy healers looking to improve skills and tailor their own offerings for their own clients and students. Oftentimes a round of coaching will follow an Intuitive Session that has highlighted specific areas of focus for catalyzing a quantum leap.

Life Coaching with me means many things to many people, including dream interpretation; however, it is NOT counseling or therapy. Just to be clear: I am not a licensed counselor or therapist, and my sessions are “preferred” present and future oriented in terms of improving situations rather than delving too deeply into “what is” or “what’s wrong.” Counseling and therapy provide many benefits, and for some people these are definitely the right route. Others opt for therapy with someone else and coaching with me, since addressing both areas sometimes creates a synergistic positive effect. I have offered Life Coaching since 2005, and I work best with people interested in personal empowerment, joy and authenticity.

Please contact me if you feel you’re a good fit for this type of service. $175/hour; discounted bulk packages available, including this January 2017 Special.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/05/faq-what-kind-of-coaching-do-you-provide/

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Loose Ends, New Year: Mercury Retrograde in January 2017

Happy 2017! I hope you’re all enjoying the shift from a “9” year of completions into a “1” year of new beginnings. It’s a little more fluid than that due to Mercury Retrograde still in effect until January 8th, and then with its decreasing shadow period for awhile afterwards. As with any external energy influence, you can align your attitude and tasks with the energies in order to create more ease and flow in your own experience. Traditional advice says, “Don’t make contracts or start anything new in a Mercury Retrograde period,” but it all depends on how you embrace or resist those influences. In my own life, I’ve continued tying up loose ends since December 19th, including “tying the Celtic Knot on Yule,” which David and I consciously chose for both the return to light aspect and for the sense of completion at this level of our spiral journey together.

Permaculture Design Certification

Some readers might also recall that I began my Permaculture Design Certification way back in 2015, shortly before the opportunity to rent the house next door appeared. That creative expansion added many exciting and busy months to my completion of Permaculture Education’s excellent online course, including another yard to begin designing and sheet mulching, but I fully planned to finish my coursework and final project by February 2016. I did finish all the coursework, but a commissioned portal painting, house guests, and the sudden and unexpected eight week whirlwind in Pennsylvania caring for my father in his last weeks and then moving my mom into her new life in a new home and getting their old house ready for sale meant another huge delay.

Those two months in Pennsylvania borrowed energy from the next five months, which also coincided with garden season and some much needed getaways with David. We had a lovely summer and fall! I wouldn’t change a thing, but I primarily needed to rest, recharge and renew. Tackling a major left and right brain final project while also gardening, processing bumper crops, and doing intense phone sessions just seemed like it would push me over the edge. I might have been able to complete the project then, but not to my own standards, and it would have felt like a burden rather than an accomplishment. As my June 2016 deadline neared, I requested more time.

Dr. Alan Enzo at http://permacultureeducation.com was kind enough to extend the usual year’s time for course completion due to the exceptional circumstances of my 2016, and I’m so glad I waited until I could again enjoy preparing the final project, as it was a lot of work. I used our yard and both houses as the permaculture project, and I took the opportunity to “stack functions” by beginning to learn the software program Scrivener while writing the text portion of my project. (I’ll do a separate post on Scrivener once I have a better handle on the software, but I found it invaluable for creating and organizing a complex and many-layered recap of all the moving parts and functions of our growing permaculture haven.) I promised myself I would complete this PDC final project in 2016, and I managed to submit both final text and design drawing on New Year’s Eve day:


The actual file is quite large and involved, with over twenty pages of text exploring and explaining the coded drawing, but this 11 x 14″ sketch gives you some idea of the project’s scope. I won’t receive my grade and actual certification for about two more weeks, as a group of people analyze the drawing and text, but along with helping my father peacefully pass into the next world and leveraging my mother into her thriving new life, I consider finishing this PDC course one of my biggest accomplishments of 2016. Right under the wire!

Kalamazoo New Year’s Eve Festival

Later that afternoon, David and I drove up to Kalamazoo, Michigan to for another mini-honeymoon at the downtown Radisson. We love Kalamazoo with its hugely creative populace, ample vegan and vegetarian food options, and the sense of community; however, we had no idea how amazing we’d find their 30th annual New Year’s Eve Festival. The Radisson included buttons to access all the downtown events: concerts across all sorts of venues, food, fun for kids of all ages, fireworks and a ball drop at midnight. Unsure of the weather, we had bought backup tickets to some concerts at Bell’s Eccentric Cafe (a concert venue for the famous Bell’s Brewery), but we were so blown away by the talent and whimsy of the downtown concerts that we only spent about a half hour at Bell’s.

We explored the historic Ladies Library Association, where all the volunteers dressed in Victorian garb amidst stained glass windows and old books. David snapped this shot of me reading a Maurice Sendak book I found on the shelf while awaiting Kalamazoo’s Mandolin and Guitar Orchestra. He’s been playing with filters, so my hair looks much redder than usual — even more than it does in bright sunshine — and my black onyx necklace looks white; however, this photo gives you a sense of the magical storybook feel of the place. My faery combat boots worked well with the Victorian theme!


We learned during the concert that the Kalamazoo Ladies Library Association is the oldest building in the United States continually owned and operated by women — a landmark since 1871. Also, the original Mandolin and Guitar Orchestra had played on that very same stage a hundred years ago, and the library maintains a photo of that event, which made Saturday night’s concert extra special and time warp-y.

Next, we made our way to the Baptist Church, which we had noticed over Thanksgiving weekend on a Kalamazoo trip with my mom. From the outside, the all white and blue building looks more like it belongs in Greece, so David and I were keen to get a look inside. What better opportunity than hearing traditional Irish music on New Year’s Eve? Below, you can see some of the Gothic sanctuary and organ, along with the band, “Whiskey Before Breakfast.” The music was fun, but we both agreed that the best part of the show was a three-year-old audience member jigging and rockin’ out on the balcony. That little guy loved the music even more than I did, and his pure exuberance delighted many:


Another unexpected highlight for us came right after the Irish music that also featured some lovely poetry by (Scottish) Robert Burns. We decided to stay for the next act, a NYC band called “The Founders,” which featured a Kalamazoo native on trumpet and piano, along with a violinist and bassist. They described themselves as eclectic and classically trained, so we had no idea what to expect. Oh. My. Goodness. Were we in for a treat!

We sat spellbound as this talented trio played Bach’s Agnes Dei “as though Bach grew up in New Orleans.” In other songs, the songwriter violinist sang while playing violin, and he also recited Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Bells” poem very fast, very dramatically to original background music — a Kalamazoo nod and wink to that famous Bell’s we would head to next. They created their own unique fusion covers of the Beatles, Radiohead and more. David and left the concert in silence, literally stunned by such unusual and delightful talent that brought old to new and back again.

We did head to Bell’s for awhile but towards midnight decided to make our way back to Bronson Park to check out the ball drop and fireworks. I have not been to a ball drop on New Year’s Eve since I went to NYC in 1994, so that was another cycle bringing old into new. Normally, fireworks bother me, but between earplugs, a cozy hat with ear flaps and pure joy, I did fine this time. They put on quite a show: we kept saying, “OK, this must be the finale.” But wait … there’s more! In total, the fireworks lasted a little over fifteen minutes, and they were truly spectacular. It was so great to watch such a diverse group of people of all ages having fun and celebrating together.

All those walks through the cold worked up an appetite, since we had finished our veggie sushi dinner over six hours ago. Where, oh where, would we find food we could eat at this hour?! Well, it turned out we found food about 10 feet away at the Gorilla Gourmet food truck, which offered curried carrot soup after midnight. Seriously? Back in my pre-brain-injury sales job days, I used to plan business trips around a chef friend’s curried carrot soup offering on Tuesdays. I’ve not had one that good since. Until this one. Holy yum! David also got a veggie quesadilla (not vegan, but with homemade slaw and total yum), so we settled into 2017 with big smiles, new takes on blasts from the past, and very happy bellies.

New Year’s Day on the Kal-Haven Trail

The next morning, we slept in, checked out, and headed over to The Crow’s Nest, one of our favorite vegan friendly restaurants in Kalamazoo, which just happened to be open on New Year’s Day. (OK, I did a literal happy dance when I found out they were open.) It turned out I was not the only happy dancing would-be eater. The line stretched all the way down the stairs, out the door, and halfway down the block. And that was just to turn in your name to get on the list. After awhile, we noticed people in line drinking coffee and eating bagels and pastries while they waited. As we traced the trail, we discovered a nearby bagel shop, where we got tea and bagels instead. Yum! Plus, we finished within fifteen minutes instead of the estimated hour and a half to two hours for The Crow’s Nest.

We had chosen Kalamazoo for New Year’s as part of our intending for 2017, and we wanted more nature than waiting. After bagels, we drove to the Kal-Haven Trail, covered in deep snow at this time of year, but an actual connection bike route between Kalamazoon and South Haven, right on Lake Michigan. We enjoyed the fresh air, crisp whiteness, as well as all the friendly dog walkers and doggies. David snapped some photos along the way:



Still Revising and Reclaiming in the Tail End of Mercury Retrograde

Yesterday brought several more very long cycles to completion, with the arrival of author Mike Clelland‘s completed draft of the chapter on me to be included in his follow-up book to “The Messengers,” which I reviewed here. This marked the end of a year and a half of story sharing, questions, answers, writing and revisions, and it involves owl synchronicities that go back to 2010, 2006, 2002, and 1998. More than that, Mike’s chapter explores events I have never publicly shared — events dating back to 1987, which completed in this past 29-year Saturn Return Cycle of the 2016 time I spent in Pennsylvania. Tremendous healing occurred through emailing and telling the stories to Mike, as well as in his reworking them into something suitable for a single chapter in a book that explores many other owl synchronicities, UFO’s and paranomal experiences.

Mike Clelland is a rare bird. Probably an owl, LOL, but seriously, if he’s put anywhere near the time, attention and compassionate truth seeking efforts into the other dozen chapters of this new book, it promises to be a quiet and potent tribute to the Mystery with a capital M, as well as a huge catharsis for many healers and experiencers. The back and forth correspondence included so many synchronicities that Mike needed to stop collecting new information and only work with a sliver of the old, but highlights occurred when each draft section arrived as I was either sitting with or on the phone with someone else involved in that part of the story.

Many behind the scenes conversations discussed details of my 2010 divorce, during which owl synchronicities ramped up very high … so I processed the surreal nature of my previous marriage and that magical and Divine intervention divorce time in a deeper, final closure kind of way, just as I was synchronously planning my Winter Solstice marriage to David. Some very cool sync winks that did not make it into the final draft included my friend Karen walking in nature as David and I were getting married and finishing right at my birthday time stamp, and Karen suddenly feeling a powerful sense of love and blessing flow from her and her animal friends to us. Then, she heard a great horned owl hoot at 5:55, which according to Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers 101, means “Huge changes are rumbling throughout your entire life!” Hundreds of miles away, David and I also noted the clock at 5:55, as we drove to dinner, expressing our sense of huge change and blessings.

Karen’s text about the owl came through the next morning, right after I sent her the marriage photo of us with my birthday time stamp. Later that afternoon, I got excited texts from my mom about finding beautiful, unusual feathers on her driveway on her way out for a walk. My mom felt certain these were owl feathers and took them as a huge sign of blessing on our marriage. Mike asked for a photo of the feathers so he could definitively identify those, but by the time my mom got back home, the feathers had blown away. She started to doubt herself, but we have both had so many owl synchronicities related to my birthday or to big changes in my life that we figured they “probably” were owl feathers.

The next morning I received a very excited text from my mom that she had been awakened by “unmistakable” and “oh, so comforting” owl hoots that morning. I researched the exact calls she described and found the cry followed by three hoots to be the sounds exchanged between mated male and female great horned owls. This mysterious synchronicity provided such a beautiful and happy ending to a long and winding 29-year journey. As we move through this final week of Mercury Retrograde and into the freshness of a universal “1” year, I feel so grateful, blessed and awed by all that has transpired. I feel my own Neverending Story pulsing through life, and I look forward to the next sequence, tale and characters.

Wishing all of you a magical and mysterious 2017!




source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/01/04/loose-ends-new-year-mercury-retrograde-in-january-2017/