Monday, 31 October 2016

A Strange, Synchronous Samhain Sojourn

David and I spent Thursday through Sunday in and around Indianapolis, during a time window originally set to spend with my sweet faery twin Tania Marie, her Dave and my David. Due to what have revealed themselves as very important and perfectly aligned changes in their travel plans, David and I agreed to switch around our scheduled trips. Instead of visiting my Aunt Kath and Uncle John around Autumn Equinox, we ended up meeting Tania and Dave in Madison, Wisconsin during a trip documented in Parts 1 and 2. That left this past long weekend for a trip to Indianapolis and nearby Fishers, Indiana, where my mom’s brother John, his wife Kath and my cousin, Tim live.

I mention the switch of trips, because Tania and Dave were eerily present during our entire time there. We kept seeing murals that reminded us of them, and David and I began “spoofing” their travels with photos of me on the “Indy economy version” of their year-long RV trip around the West and Upper Midwest of the US. I’ll share some of those photos here, but they’ll seem funnier if you’ve followed Tania’s spectacular photo chronicles of their adventures in the “Magick Bus.” The giggles began with a mountain goat sighting:


They continued onward with a beautiful waterfall that we “hiked” to:


Right after David texted Tania these photos, we decided to grab some Thai food, and what did my eyes spy, but a full on cosmic sync wink:


As Tania recently announced, they’ve returned to Lake Tahoe, in part for bunny Cosmo, who sat at the center of our Autumnal celebrations all together, anchoring the “Cosmos” and just being the love bunny he is. What’s weird is that this bloodstone bunny Tania gave me years ago to commemorate her beloved Nestor, somehow hitched a ride in my toiletries bag, so we had Tania, Dave, the Magic(k) bus, and a bunny, popping up at the strangest times and places:img_0537

This proved significant as our journey unfolded, but I’ll let Tania decide how much and when to share of that piece, since Cosmo is her elder rabbit, wise companion, and her baby bunny. This Nestor statue has a habit of appearing and disappearing at significant times, though, so when it inexplicably showed up in my bag as I reached for a totally different item, I felt another jolt of synchronicity.

We’ll return to what Tania began to term the “spoooooookay” volume of (sometimes literal) signs and symbols, but I want to share some of the really cool things that David and I found in Indianapolis. He planned our itinerary, as he lived in Indy for a summer about 30 years ago and had places he wanted to see again, including the James Whitcomb Riley Museum Home and Visitor Center. James Whitcomb Riley was a prolific poet, artist, musician and beloved public figure who lived in the now historic Lockerbie neighborhood of Indianapolis. A lifelong bachelor, he did have a little poodle named Lockerbie who accompanied him throughout his later life.

Although I hold a Masters Degree in English Literature, I must confess that I had no idea who James Whitcomb Riley was. I focused primarily on literature from the other side of the Pond, and the only American lit I read tended to be written by ex-pat’s. I had no idea what to expect, but after touring the home and watching the video at the Visitor Center, I understand why he became so loved by Hoosiers.


He wrote in “the country dialect” and captured an innocence that was fast fading as Indiana experienced exponential growth. The characters Raggedy Ann and Andy, as well as Little Orphan(t) Annie owe their original inspiration to James Whitcomb Riley.

The house includes beautiful 14-foot ceilings and all original furnishings. It also showcases some truly clever innovations that made this rented house Riley’s chosen location for reading, writing, and entertaining. Unusual features include: a rudimentary intercom system from the upstairs to the kitchen, a one-way upstairs window to allow the maid to see which salesmen were calling at the side door, a basement coal furnace, rain water collection, an attic cistern that allowed indoor plumbing, a (rather dangerous yet functional) hot water heater, passive heating above the kitchen, and a cardboard type wallpaper pressed and painted to look like ornately carved and polished wood. We thoroughly enjoyed our tour!

The next day, we went to Conner Prairie, a State Park that features historic buildings, a hot air balloon, early craftsmanship, interactive videos, as well as tour guides dressed in costume and fully acting out their 1816 parts. Not surprisingly, Conner Prairie attracts a lot of children. Our visit this Friday coincided with 1,200 schoolchildren visiting for the day, so it was very LOUD! We had watched a video about Conner Prairie, and it seemed so idyllic and quiet, like a journey back in time, so the noise gave me the same kind of double whammy overload I experienced at Turkey Run State Park, when I expected to find what Dana of The Druid’s Garden had described as “the most sacred woods [she’d] ever encountered. Period. Anywhere. Not just Indiana.” For the most part, Conner Prairie was loud, loud, loud, filled with shrieking, running kids that led us to ponder how we would have never been allowed to do that on a school field trip.

A few things we did particularly enjoy, though:

A woman my Uncle John calls “Curly Sue,” who, it turns out is a friend of his, had come in for an extra volunteer shift at the spinning center. She kept all the children (and us) completely spellbound with her demonstrations and descriptions of different sized spinning wheels for different types of yarns, natural dyes, and her tales of how she started a competitive fabric arts guild for children. She surprised us all when she explained how the boys’ group actually took first prize most often! In any case, we found her delightful, and it demonstrated how what had moments before been hooligans could suddenly turn into fascinated and attentive learners with the right authoritative and interested teacher.

We also loved how all the demonstrators of early crafts and skills remained in character, even talking about each other as characters, presumably with information gleaned from early letters. From the town doctor’s assistant to the uppity woman from “big city” Lexington, Kentucky, we found these talks humorous and authentic. We also loved seeing the old string mattresses, fireplaces, and herbal apothecary:



Later in the day, two unaccompanied young girls started trying to trick and tease one of the in-character workers, loudly baiting him to slip out of character and talk about “pop” and other later inventions. We watched in amusement turned amazement as this stern 1816 cartographer and explorer very firmly disciplined them with words, busting them on “wasting his time” and “asking questions they already know the answers to.” The girls went from quite bratty and disrespectful to fully engaged and interested in his story. David and I noted a lesson in here somewhere: today’s iPod and TV addled youth could return quite quickly to full attention, given the right guidance and firm expectation that they can pay attention and learn at a rigorous pace.

We also thought Conner Prairie did a great job showing a balanced view of Indiana’s deeply troubled history. The William Conner House, for example,  gives a history of William Conner’s double lives: first as a frontiersman who married a Lenape woman and fathered six children, and then as a prominent white settler who helped usher all the Lenape out of Indiana –including his wife and children — only to marry a young woman just months later and then father another twelve white children while helping to found Prairietown. Interactive displays ask viewers to consider the many difficult moral choices Conner faced and to vote on whether he was a hero, an opportunistic jerk or somewhere in between. The Indians get fair treatment in all these videos, and you can’t help feeling deep compassion and solemnity when recognizing just how Indiana became a state. (We saw a similar trend the following day when we visited the Indiana State Museum’s “Indiana in 200 Objects” exhibit in honor of Indiana’s bicentennial.)

In and around our historical tours, we did some fabulous eating. Our favorite was Ezra’s Enlightened Cafe in the Broad Ripple neighborhood:


This tiny but busy spot offers both raw vegan and cooked vegan dishes, as well as fresh juices, healing tonics, kombucha and a variety of raw vegan desserts and superfood treats. We had chocolate hazelnut torte and a superfood Reishi brownie on Thursday, since we arrived after the kitchen closed. On Saturday, we returned for lunch and had a fresh green juice, followed by an angel reading at The Playful Soul metaphysical shop next door, and then we shared a “Buddha bowl” and a slice of delicious raw vegan pizza on a nut crust. We discovered the reason for the extra yummy factor:


Ezra’s Organic Farm provides most of the food for Ezra’s Enlightened Cafe. They also offer CSA’s and prepared food for the week. Total yum. It reminded me of some of my favorite raw spots in Sedona and California. Having the Playful Soul right next door allows a high vibe experience for body, mind and soul. We enjoyed the angel reading with Brian. I almost never get readings but felt led to on that day of enhanced synchronicities. We also got some unusual stones the likes of which we’d never seen or heard of before.

After lunch on Saturday, we made our way downtown to the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indian and Western Art, where David had noticed they’d be hosting a Dia de los Muertos celebration. We didn’t know what to expect, but since it was the weekend before Samhain, we figured we’d check it out before heading to the Indiana State Museum next door. Due to the festival, we got free parking and admission, and our visit quickly turned surreal with the combination of full on celebration, mostly in Spanish. We saw traditional altars created by schoolchildren, as well as organizations in memory of the dead. We’re talking a huge room full of major decorations, letters, mementos and more, with very respectful Hispanic children making their way around each altar with their parents.

Further down the hall, we ducked into some exhibits and the Tania and Dave travel spoofing kicked into high gear. We made a whirlwind tour of Sedona, the Grand Canyon, magical forests, and snowcapped mountains, just like Tania and Dave. Well, almost:

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We even saw a buffalo, just like Tania and Dave:


After our adventure at Eiteljorg, we took a chocolate break and then wandered into the Indiana State Museum, where David wanted to view the “Indiana in 200 Objects” bicentennial exhibit. We did not expect even more Dia de lost Muertos celebrations there, but we found full on skeleton faces with flamenco dresses, dancers, and music. It almost felt eerily like the beginning scene in the James Bond film, Spectre. As we moved into the actual exhibit, another buffalo greeted us:


The double sighting of these buffalo seems especially synchronous, potent and poignant given the recent buffalo stampede as answered prayer to the thousands of Native Americans attempting to stop the pipeline from being built on their land. After days of learning even more about Indiana’s horrible treatment of Indians, the current events with the Standing Rock Sioux remind us that some battles continue to rage. Having seen the results of Indiana’s “triumph” over the natives, perhaps we will all send extra supportive energy to this important fight out West. I know I am.

Great Spirit is listening: “… [I]n the midst of mass arrests, mace attacks, and beatings from batons, a stampede of bison suddenly appeared near the Standing Rock protest camp. A cry of joy reportedly erupted from the Standing Rock Sioux, as they had been praying for assistance from the Tatanka Oyate during their standoff with riot police and national guardsmen.” Huge blessings and gratitude to those on the front lines for Mother Earth and Sovereignty of the Land!

The rest of the 200 objects tour was highly informative, yet also eerie in its focus on death, change, Light and Shadow. Our trip through the exhibit began to feel like a sacred Samhain ritual, and the synchronicities between Tania and me ramped up even more. Right after seeing a sign depicting the Four Elements, I took this picture of a saber toothed cat:


The rail road sign behind the cat not only links our Goshen locale with its close proximity to trains, but the rail road in question is the Madison-Indianapolis Rail Road, thereby linking our Madison and Indianapolis trips. This was like an over the top whoa moment, as we continued moving through this darkened and somewhat spooky catalog of famous people,  items, inventions and events in Indiana history. To the right, you can see the state’s electric chair. Who needs haunted houses for Halloween scares?!

Signs scattered around the displays, offering philosophical commentaries that took on larger meaning in context of the layered connections Tania and I had been sharing throughout that morning and afternoon. This sign in particular arrived at just the right, confirming moment for Tania:


We continued on, and David found Johnny Appleseed’s drinking flask, which appeared after having told my aunt and uncle the night before that I was the Johnny Appleseed of Goshen:



We also saw markers for Indiana authors like the amazing Gene Stratton Porter, whose Limberlost home we visited on my birthday, and whom I realized on that day was THE huge inspiration for Grandma Van and her magical adventures with birds:


We looked at several other exhibits in the Indiana State Museum, including this giant pendulum:


It being two days before Samhain, I figured we ought to take a walk outside on the canal behind the museums, since my Uncle John and my now departed father walked there for an afternoon when my parents visited in 2013. Apparently, my dad really loved the canal walk, and we found it a perfect afternoon for sauntering along. We also found it a perfect opportunity for more synchronicities to flood into our awareness! The angel reading had mentioned owls, hawks and several other animals, but with a particular discussion of paying attention to hawks. I had seen a hawk the day before and then on the way to the museum, but check out this beauty we found under a bridge!


Knowing that Tania loves and often posts about hawks, we sent this snapshot to her, only to receive an “LOL, did you see I just posted about hawk wisdom?” Um, no, but why am I not surprised?! Here’s her Saturday post, “A Message from Hawk.”

David shot some photos of the canal walk to give a better idea of this vistas:




By this time, the day had gotten away from us, so we decided to meet my aunt and uncle at the restaurant instead of heading back to their house first. My uncle had decided he wanted to take us out to one of their very favorite restaurants, Mama Carolla’s, which turned out to be very close to the neighborhood where David lived for his decades ago summer in Indy. We figured the Tania and Samhain themed bleedthrough’s would stop now, but wait, there’s more! We arrived to find the entire staff and restaurant completely decked out in Day of the Dead costumes and decorations:


I put in my name, and our table became available just as my aunt, uncle and cousin walked in the door. Perfect timing! We sat down at the table, only to be greeted by a server in a banana costume, causing David and me to look as each other as we thought of “Banania,” our affectionate name for Tania.

Dinner was amazing! Every dish except the lasagna and ravioli can be made gluten-free, since they make it all to order. They offer vegetarian dishes, easily made vegan, too. We thoroughly enjoyed the food, the music and our conversations, as we also caught up with my cousin Tim, whom I had not seen for almost 30 years. We wound down our trip by watching the Cubs-Indians World Series and noting that “Take me out to the ball game” was composed by an Indiana native. Indeed, we are now filled to the brim with facts about Indiana originals!

The visit ended all too soon, as we toured their backyard and then packed the car on Sunday. David took this selfie of Aunt Kath, Uncle John and us, just before we left:

img_5792We had so much fun that we will definitely return! We barely scratched the surface of vegan food options and activities around Indianapolis, and we so enjoyed hanging out with Johan and Kath. With all the Fall colors and varied weather, it was a perfect way to usher in another Turn of the Wheel of the Year.

Wishing everyone a Happy Halloween, Blessed Samhain, and a Spooky All Hallow’s Eve!


Friday, 28 October 2016

Welcome to!

Medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan and master jeweler Gerald Alvarez are pleased to announce the grand opening of “Gerald and I have been working hard to get the webstore ready for you,” says Catherine Carrigan. “ is a labor of love to bring you the healing power of crystal gemstones at prices you can afford to […]


Tuesday, 25 October 2016

VIDEO: The Unitary World View of Hildegard of Bingen

I’m excited to watch this full presentation by friend and fellow InDiana blogger, Ann Kreilkamp, filmed in Seattle by my sweet and amazingly talented friend, Mitch Mattraw. Unbeknownst to both of them, I’ve been tapped into Hildegard since 1999, as a result of my three-week, post-brain-injury attempt to get my Ph.D. in English Literature as planned at Northwestern University — while not being able to read, reason, remember, or tolerate fluorescent lights at all! Fun times.

Actually, they were fun, rich times, though far from what I had planned or anticipated. My two years in Evanston, IL and very short stint at Northwestern, proved utterly synchronous and deeply transformative, with several of the professors befriending me even after I needed to drop out due to uncontrollable migraines, no short term memory, and having the flicker of the day’s fluorescent lights replay all night long like an aggressive strobe light.

One of my professors, the Medievalist Dr. Barbara Newman, happened to be researching the role of migraine headaches in Hildegard von Bingen’s “Visions,” when she first learned I needed to defer my Ph.D. studies by a year and then forever. She was Department Chair at that time, so I needed to meet with her to discuss options and how not to tie up a scholarship and fellowship for yet another year if it looked like I would never recover enough to attend graduate school.

At one point I confessed that I believed I would recover ONLY if I gave up on graduate school, as I felt an overwhelming and clear calling in other directions. She became particularly intrigued by my TBI, migraines, and subsequent escalation of medical intuitive gifts and herbal awareness, because they shed bizarre light on her Hildegard project, as well as her research into other Medieval mystics.

We met many times in her office (with the lights off!), and I continued to visit her for tea at The Unicorn Cafe for another decade whenever I taught classes in Chicago. She’s actually the person who used to call me “Lily” — as in “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these — since I seemed to be on various people’s super-cool-hand-me-down-clothes radar, even at times when I had no extra money to spend on fashion. She also loved hearing how other things would appear just when I needed them, often altogether bypassing the traditional monetary system. Right place, right time and all that!

Those synchronicities and others eventually led me to return to Seattle in 2001 to study herbalism with the holistic optometrist/herbalist/craniosacral therapist who managed to heal me enough to at least try grad school for those three weeks, while I followed signs and synchronicities for the two years back to Seattle. He also insisted I was “healer” and provided the testing ground for me to gain confidence in the accuracy of medical intuitive gifts. Once I moved to Seattle, I developed a special and daily relationship with an ancient oak tree in Discovery Park, which in our very first conversation (over a decade later) Mitch and I realized was also “his” tree!

Gotta love those trees … and Medieval mystics … and herbalists … and sync winks galore. Anyway, since those visits with Barbara Newman, I’ve run into Hildegard in many unexpected places, including David’s expansive music collection. (This link takes you to a YouTube video with the music, but it’s really worth getting “Music and Visions” for yourself.)

All of which is a very lengthy preamble to Ann’s post and Mitch‘s video of her Hildegard presentation:

Ann Kreilkamp – Hildegard from cabfare productions on Vimeo.


Six Days Left for October Specials

Just a quick reminder, since October seems to be flying by at an even more rapid pace than previous months! Six days left for these offerings:


Timeline Tune-In and Tune-Up

This type of reading seems so important and helpful right now with so many people experiencing breaks from “normal” reality.

This hour session helps you to recognize your likely trajectory based on current energy patterns, intentions, and habits … and then, I search for the closest parallel reality versions of “you” with very slight differences that lead to more preferred (and more varied/greater opportunities for) positive outcomes. The scan and download are actually easier for me to do than to explain here, but if you’ve ever seen the movie “Sliding Doors” with its alternate reality story lines that intersect at certain points throughout the film, I’ll be scanning you for the stickiest intersection points.

I have found that these crossover points – i.e., parallel Universe bleed-throughs – can act like portals into alternate realities, preferred or not. That’s why you want to approach them consciously and respectfully, so that you recognize the power of the moment and choose wisely. The initial shift can look subtle, because if there weren’t enough similarities between the timelines/alternate realities, then the bleed-through moments wouldn’t happen so easily; however, in retrospect, such moments or decisions often seem “Fated.”

This reading gives you a heads up regarding the types of feelings, thoughts and experiences to watch for if you’re looking to sidestep onto a more positive timeline without needing to slog through linear time to get your desired life. In some cases, the preferred outcome even requires a sidestep, because the laws of cause and effect already set in motion on the current timeline are barreling you toward their “inevitable” end result. Fortunately, linear time’s not all it’s cracked up to be! These “timeline hops,” “portal points,” “reality jumps” – whatever you want to call them – are not only possible but powerful, and with awareness and practice, you can learn to surf such opportunities, charting your own course from current to next closest to preferred realities.

$133/hour if prepaid on or before 10/31/2016. Please contact me to sign up.

$333 Intuitive Coaching Three-Pack

With regular intuitive or life coaching sessions running $175/hour, this special offers major savings at $333/three hours. I’ve found that even people who normally process things on their own feel challenged by the increased intensity and “sorting” of the Universe these days. As we continue with Earth changes, internal and galactic shifts, I feel called to offer a short burst of support to those in need. These sessions can be used close together or saved for a future need. You can use them in hour or half-hour segments. The entire package can be gifted to someone else, but (for simplicity of paperwork) these three-packs cannot be divided and shared among multiple individuals. Offer valid if prepaid on or before October 31, 2016. To schedule your first session or purchase the package, please contact me here.


Saturday, 22 October 2016

Chaos, Creativity and Pandora’s Real Box

I love this one from Jamie and agree 100%. Regular readers know that as an artist I value chaos for its amazing potential to create change –exceptionally potent and positive change, when we identify the forms in which we would love to nudge those energies.

I love Jamie’s reclamation of Pandora, too, and have been pondering a similar dynamic with our yard: the fine line between exuberant abundance and uncontrollable plants. Nice and neat does not produce as well as gloriously wild. I love to surf that perfect wave between beauty and chaos — between intentionality and the surprising gifts of Nature and the Great Mystery. Big blessings and much love!

Sophia's Children

Pandora's Box, 1871, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. PD image courtesy of Wikimedia. Pandora’s Box, 1871, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. PD image courtesy of Wikimedia.

“If everything is uncertain, then the future is open to human creativity, to possibility and therefore to a better world.” ~ Immanuel Wallerstein

We don’t normally see chaos as an ally,because it seems so, well, chaotic. Uncertain. It feels uncomfortable and thus unfriendly.

It freaks us outwhen ‘real life’ starts going all Salvador Dali on us and melting and shapeshifting whether we want it to or not (and often, we don’t, even if we sort of do).

Part of the problem is that we’ve been taught that change is bad — that we’re supposed to create things that have ‘staying power’ and just keep on growing and expanding endlessly in the form that we envision.

The 1897 painting of fighting "Laelaps" (now Dryptosaurus) by Charles R. Knight. PD-US, Wikimedia. The 1897 painting of fighting “Laelaps” (now Dryptosaurus) by Charles R. Knight. PD-US, Wikimedia.

When things start changing, the dear, sweet

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Thursday, 20 October 2016

Medical Intuitive Observations about Fukushima Radiation

At author Mike Clelland’s ( ) recommendation, I have been reading a fascinating book called “Mutants and Mystics,” by Jeffrey J. Kripal. (If you get it, Mike tells me the physical book is beautiful, but I’ve already been devouring my Kindle version.)

In any case, this recommendation popped up very synchronously after my recent interview on A Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic, when Lance and I spoke about philosophical and spiritual implications of the Marvel films and TV series. “Mutants and Mystics” explores the history of comics, the Sci-Fi genre, worldwide mystical experiences, UFO phenomena and … radiation as a key factor in human evolution. This last point, of course, reminded me of my January 2014 post on Fukushima radiation and the potential for mutation or *trans*mutation, i.e. human evolution.

When this article first came out, it went quasi-viral on various high traffic websites and sparked all manner of reactions, so I hesitate to repost it; however, if anything, the message comes through even louder right now.

A few notes: for anyone who does not already know, I am NOT a fundamentalist Christian! I would think that’s obvious from the rest of the posts on my blog; however, the inclusion of one Bible verse triggered some major freak outs and accusations. I’ve since found a verse from the Gospel of Thomas that more closely expresses what I was trying to convey, and since this verse has also haunted me for nearly a decade, I replaced the original with this verse. Hopefully, that will allow the message to move through with fewer reactive blocks. Also, one other note about the concept of over giving or codependency: that’s not the kind of bringing forth I mean! If your giving triggers resentment, then it becomes toxic. Giving of your true joy heals; forcing yourself to live according to others’ expectations can make you ill or even kill you. Live joyfully; allow your gifts to pour forth, and you will feel a corresponding flow into the new.

Big blessings and lots of love …

Laura Bruno's Blog

This post has been rolling around in my brain for quite sometime, and I’ve now had several requests to write about it, including in the comments section of “Amazing Orgone.” The paragraphs that prompted the questions were:

“… I was inspired to check for the effects of orgone after listening to some dire reports about Fukushima’s effects on all foods grown in the Northern Hemisphere.

“I track radiation via my own internal Geiger counter, and Leuren Moret’s assessments jive with mine. She recommends using a BioMat, following a macrobiotic diet and many of the things I listed in an earlier article about radiation and diet. From a Medical Intuitive perspective, I’ve also noticed that clients and friends who embody and pass along the most positive healing energies are actually thriving on the Fukushima radiation, whereas ones who refuse to share their spiritual and creative gifts are noticeably…

View original post 2,754 more words


Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Charles Eisenstein ~ The Lid is Off

This is the best article I’ve read about the election and various revelations happening, particularly in the U.S., and how that all relates to us on a personal and collective level. This piece illustrates what I tell so many clients: Earth herself is in an integration phase, and this directly relates to human evolution. Thanks to Bo of Orgonia for sending this piece my way.

Here’s a little excerpt, followed by a link to the full, excellent article:

Charles Eisenstein ~ The Lid is Off

It is getting harder to keep a secret these days. The collective shadow of our society, once safely relegated to the dark basement of the unmentionable, is now exposed to daylight, forcing us to face our contradictions. I’ll offer three examples: Donald Trump’s leaked recordings, Hillary Clinton’s emails and Wall Street speeches, and the endless procession of videos of police brutality.

Once upon a time, “locker room talk” like Donald Trump’s lewd and degrading remarks leaked to the media would have stayed safely sequestered from public view. Misogynistic locker room banter existed, as it were, in an alternate universe. … [read the rest here.]


Monday, 17 October 2016

Autumn Beauty: Asters, Mums, Bouquets and Cocoa Spice Cake

Just a few pretties from the yard and kitchen:


On Friday, that bed above got an infusion of spring daffodils and giant hyacinths. Fortunately, an unusually late first frost has allowed the trough below to make up for its very late planting. We’ve enjoyed so much lettuce already, while the rest of the greens and mustard race the frost faeries.


Although the temperatures are back up again, a cool weekend encouraged this experimental cocoa spice cake with chocolate ganache from the delightful cookbook, Afro Vegan. This one uses coconut milk and mashed avocado for creaminess, and with cayenne, ginger and nutmeg, it was, indeed, spicy enough to delight some foodie friends and their other guests:


Bouquets abound:


And here you can see Sunday’s flowers with Saturday’s cake:


Wishing everyone a glorious week!
